Introducing myRealPage Leads!

myrealpage lead management

Every myRealPage website has the potential to be a lead generating powerhouse. Unleash it’s full potential with myRealPage Leads – the easy way to manage your all of the potential leads that come from your website.

Whether you are mobile or working from your office, your leads are just a swipe or click away. Keep an eye on potential leads and begin converting your best leads into full VOW accounts to give your clients a powerful property listing service and more.

lead management

Lead management in one place

  • Any lead from any form from any website in your account can be found here in one convenient location

  • Leads are accessible directly on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer

  • Never miss a lead from your website

potential leads

Potential, Unseen & Leads

  • Introducing an easier way to manage incoming leads from your website

  • Potential Leads is every new form submission from any form or website from your account

  • Unseen Leads are any lead you haven’t checked yet

  • Once you determine a potential lead is a Lead, convert them into an official lead to pursue further and keep an eye on

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Easily convert Leads into VOW Accounts

  • Once you have leads, take your clients to the next level by upgrading them into a VOW Account

  • Give your clients login access to save searches, favorite listings and receive email alerts of new listings based on their saved searches

  • Keep track of your client’s saved and favourited listings and view usage stats to help you understand your clients even more

  • Best of all, for those where boards allow sold listings, VOW Accounts can view Sold listings when searching listings on your site

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Unleash the Power of your Leads with Zapier

  • When you’re ready to take your leads to a whole new level, unleash the full potential with our direct Zapier integration

  • Free your lead data with the CRM or any software of your choice that is compatible with Zapier

  • Easily map each form field directly to your software to take your data to a whole new level

Last Updated on November 15, 2023 by myRealPage

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