How to Use Real Estate Landing Pages to get Leads

Real Estate Landing Pages to Promote Neighbourhoods

Every real estate agent wants more leads. Especially leads that are engaged and ready to make a move. Real estate landing pages are one of the most effective ways to capture those kinds of leads. Specifically, real estate landing pages that promote neighbourhoods.

Neighbourhood real estate landing pages are standalone web pages dedicated to a specific area in the market you serve. 

They feature details about the neighbourhood, along with current listings, with the goal of getting page visitors to complete a form in exchange for more valuable information or first access to new listings.

Neighbourhood landing pages should be in every agent’s marketing toolbox.

Here’s how to use these real estate landing pages effectively to capture leads — plus, get access to a tool that makes it easy to build them.

Give Each Neighbourhood Its Own Page

In order for this strategy to be successful, you need to create a separate real estate landing page for each neighbourhood you plan on promoting rather than one landing page for several areas.

Doing so will extend your reach and maximize your opportunities for bringing in the right leads  — people who are interested in a specific area and ready to take the next step.

Creating a suite of neighbourhood landing pages doesn’t have to be a huge time suck (read until the end of this post for a tool that can help). The structure and style of each page can be the same; only the content needs to be unique.

Structure Your Content

Speaking of structure, you’ll want to create a structure for these real estate landing pages to keep your content organized and easy to digest.

A neighbourhood landing page should offer visitors a quick overview of the neighbourhood, some compelling reasons for why it’s a desirable area to live in, a look at active listings in the neighbourhood and a call-to-action that convinces visitors to exchange their contact details for more information.

Nest this content under headings so that your neighbourhood landing pages are visually appealing and user-friendly. Use a high ratio of images to text and keep your copy short and sweet.

A landing page for a neighbourhood might have a structure like the following:

  • Title: A Guide to Toronto’s Little Italy
  • Introductory paragraph
  • Heading 1: Quick facts about Toronto’s Little Italy
  • Heading 2: Why you’ll want to live in Toronto’s Little Italy
  • Heading 3: Homes for sale in Toronto’s Little Italy
  • Heading 4: Be the first to know about new listings in Toronto’s Little Italy

Keep SEO in Mind

Creating content with SEO in mind is just as important for real estate landing pages as it is for your main real estate website.  

Local neighbourhoods and communities are a niche that you have a great shot at ranking for in search engine results, so you want to make sure your landing pages are optimized. 

The following two tips are the most important when it comes to SEO for neighbourhood landing pages:

Use the right keywords

Be specific. Look at the example page structure above. Notice how it uses “Toronto’s Little Italy” instead of just “Little Italy.” Not every neighbourhood or community name is unique to a city. A specific keyword ensures your shot at ranking in the right search results.

Put keywords in key places

You shouldn’t overstuff content on your page with your keyword, but you do want to use it in strategic places. Add it to your page URL, page title, your introductory paragraph and your page headings.

Add Active Listings

The goal of neighbourhood landing pages is to capture leads that you can follow up with and nurture into clients. You need to give visitors a reason to stay on the page.

Showcasing active, real-time listings in the neighbourhood is your best shot. To do that, you’ll need to use an IDX plugin for real estate websites if you don’t have a myRealPage website. If you do…keep reading we’ll show you how.

IDX integration will let you show listings within a specific predefined search area (perfect for neighbourhood landing pages) and it’s automated, so you don’t have to worry about manually updating the listings on your landing page.

Include a Lead Capture Form

The whole point of creating neighbourhood landing pages is to capture the most relevant and ready-to-act leads. To do that effectively, your pages need lead capture forms.

Lead capture forms use a call-to-action that offers something free in exchange for visitors completing the form (which typically has fields for their name, email address, whether they’re a prospective buyer or seller, and their permission to be contacted).

Examples of lead capture forms for real estate agents include:

  • Newsletter sign-ups
  • Free downloadable content (such as market reports)
  • “Request a call” forms
  • “Contact me” forms

CTAs for neighbourhood landing pages are most often to sign up for a comprehensive guide about the area or to be the first to get notified about the newest listings in the area.

Make sure your call-to-action is clear, concise and strong.

Drive Traffic

Once your collection of neighbourhood landing pages is live, you need to drive traffic to them.

Organic and paid social posts are one way to do it but for the best results, you also need to run pay-per-click real estate ads that use keywords targeting the neighbourhood you’re focusing on. 

This strategy ensures that your landing pages are being promoted to people already searching for more information about the area and its real estate.

Keep Real Estate Landing Pages Up to Date

Neighbourhood landing pages don’t require a ton of upkeep, but an occasional refresh will keep them looking and performing their very best.

You’ll want to fact-check demographics and other details to make sure they’re still relevant, replace existing images with more recent options, and tweak headings and calls-to-action as needed to help improve conversions (lead capture form completions).

Bonus: Use This Tool to Make Neighbourhood Landing Page Creation a Breeze

Creating and maintaining neighbourhood landing pages doesn’t have to add a pile of work to your plate. 

myRealPage Starter Pages is a plug-and-play, drag-and-drop tool designed specifically for real estate agents who need custom web pages. 

The tool offers a variety of specially designed templates that can be completely customized to achieve your specific purpose — like promoting neighbourhoods and capturing leads. 

The templates make it possible to add images, IDX integration and lead capture forms, and to personalize the look and feel so it matches your branding. 

Starter Pages doesn’t require any knowledge of web design or coding. All you have to do is bring your own content and then click, tap and drag-and-drop elements until the page meets your expectations.

If you have a myRealPage website, you’re ready to start using Starter Pages to create neighbourhood landing pages.

Not a myRealPage user? We can help you switch so that you can take advantage of Starter Pages to start generating leads.

We’ll transfer your content over from another provider so that you can get started stress-free — AND we’ll give you 50% off for three months, plus waive the set-up fee. 



Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by myRealPage

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