Content is King! Here’s 10 Content Ideas for your Real Estate Channels

Content Is King! Here’s 10 Content Ideas For Your Real Estate Channels

Running a real estate channel can be challenging. Whether it’s on a social media platform like LinkedIn or Facebook, or on your blog, one question remains: what content do you populate the page with? Curating and creating relevant, high-quality content for your real estate website is an important part of retaining and attracting potential clients. But sometimes, you may get a little stuck.

Here are ten topic ideas to cover in your real estate posts.

1. Spotlight of the week
Feature a property or client who deserves your (and your audience’s) special attention this week. Whether this is a client of yours who just found their dream loft, or a newly available apartment that is sure to cause eye-envy, highlighting a special person or listing is an easy and beneficial content piece to share.

2. Insider tips and hints
Have an industry insider share their thoughts and tips on an area of expertise. For example, an interior decorator can divulge some best practices for staging, or a photographer can share tips on lighting homes. Share professional insight that is helpful to someone who is listing (or about to list) their home.

3. Market updates and news
This more informative post gives readers a look into relevant real estate news. So consider topics like market updates on a quarterly basis, as well as any national housing news and reports.

4. Events in your area to attend
Create a monthly list of upcoming local events that your audience may be interested in attending. This can be news about open houses, community fairs to check out, or even online events that international audiences can participate in. You may also want to include information on which events you will be attending!

5. Real estate eye candy
Everyone likes a little real estate eye candy. Compile a few images of beautiful places to own or visit for audiences to dream about. There are some really cool properties out there. Highlight local and international beauties.

6. Innovation in the space
Is there a new startup or service that can help your clients buy or sell homes? For example, how about online cleaning services like Helpling or home rental services like Airbnb? Why not partake in the knowledge sharing and write or repost the news. Plus, it might give you some new ideas.

7. Your own news and success
Have you hit a new milestone? Grown your own real estate team? Well, your social channels are the perfect place to share the good news. Take time to update your readers on your success and keep them in the loop about what you are doing. Just don’t brag too much, don’t want to turn people off.

8. Neighborhood best bets
Highlight some of the great cafes, restaurants, schools or parks in one of the areas you frequent. People love trying new places and a curated recommendation list could bring in new traffic for your website. Bonus: write about areas that you represent or that are of interest to your clients.

9. Video of the week
A multimedia component is always a great addition to any blog. Whether it’s a property tour or your own vlog featuring market updates, building a video gallery is a great way to attract and keep visitors. Plus, uploading your video content onto YouTube helps with your search engine optimization.



10. Roundup post
This list can be a recommended blogs section, or simply a fun roundup of recent and relevant links from the web that caught your eye that week. This post is meant to be easy to compile and easy to digest! Don’t be shy about using images and gifs to illustrate your links.

Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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