Kye Grace & Four Cross Marketing Joins The myRealPage Team

After a decade of building our product and watching the real estate industry grow and adapt to the new online world we’ve decided to raise the bar for ourselves and become better citizens of the amazing digital real estate community.

We just didn’t have the voice to lead us into the community.

Don’t get me wrong we have plenty of smart hardworking people here who care about being the best and building the best products. Some of the best. People who wake up everyday and want your life, their life and people’s lives they don’t even know to be better. And to celebrate your successes as if was their own.

Missing from myRealPage was a position within our organization to make sure this happens, to act as an extension of all the great people behind the scenes making everything happen. Someone dedicated to standing in front of 100 people and exude passion and knowledge. Or stop and listen and learn from a single person’s experiences. Who’s only role is to make sure everything we do makes our customer’s lives better.

We do now.

In March of this year we welcomed Kye Grace and his team at Four Cross Marketing to our team. Kye has experience as a Realtor who migrated to the marketing side of the industry knowing his passion and strengths resided there.

Kye and his team have arrived on the scene and quickly got to work on contributing to helping the existing staff improve both external and internal aspects of the myRealPage product and customer service model.

There is plenty coming but like all things great the surprise as they arrive is half the fun!

For now you can see our new website or Facebook Page (feel free to give it a Like while you are there).

All in all we at myRealPage are very excited to become more active in the real estate community and meeting more and more of you face to face. If you see Ryan, Bill, Kye or Cristian out at any events come by and say hi if we don’t beat you to it.

In fact Ryan, Kye and Cristian are on their way to Inman Connect San Francisco tomorrow (July 31) so if you are there as well we hope you get a chance to meet.

Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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