Schools, Parks, Transit, Area Data Added Automatically to Your Real Estate Listings
![PRODUCT FEATURE UPDATE: Schools, Parks, Transit, Neighbourhood Data Added to Listings Details via HoodQ](
myRealPage is proud to announce that we’ve recently partnered up with HoodQ, Canada’s largest provider of curated address and neighbourhood reports, in order to provide your listings with a quick snapshot of nearby schools and parks, as well as relevant transit data.
Best of all, the addition of neighbourhood data to Canadian myRealPage websites is completely FREE!
So in case any of your prospects want more information on the neighbourhood that a property is in, simply check out the HoodQ widget on your listings page. It provides a quick summary of nearby facilities and institutions, as well as transit options, all at a glance.
Here’s a sample of how it might appear on your listings details page! (Please note that there might be slight layout variations, depending on your current website theme.)
If you’re a current myRealPage Customer, simply reload your website on your browser, and check one of your listings to see the widget live on your site.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact our support team, and we would be happy to assist you!
Last Updated on September 2, 2024 by myRealPage