ChatGPT for Real Estate Listing Descriptions

chat gpt for real estate listing descriptions

Not using ChatGPT for your real estate business?

Let this post change your mind!

Real estate agents should be taking advantage of ChatGPT to save time and energy and to boost the quality of their marketing efforts.

One great way to do that: use ChatGPT to write real estate listing descriptions. 

The AI tool can help real estate agents defeat writers’ block, get some time back and create effective, engaging descriptions.

But it all comes down to how the tool is used. Which is what this post is going to cover. 

Read on to learn the right ways to use ChatGPT for real estate listing descriptions that sell.

First — Get Set Up With ChatGPT

Before you can use ChatGPT for listing descriptions, you’ll need to sign up for a free account with OpenAI, the company behind the tool. 

Once your account is set up, take some time to familiarize yourself with the tool. Experiment with asking questions and seeing how it responds.

Prepare Your Listing Details

In order to ask ChatGPT to create a real estate listing description, you need to prepare the listing details in a format that the tool can work from. 

We recommend organizing the details into a bulleted list that looks something like the following (note: you can add or remove bullets based on what applies to your particular listing):

  • Town:
  • Neighbourhood:
  • Building type:
  • Lot size:
  • Parking:
  • Architectural style:
  • Square footage:
  • Number of bedrooms:
  • Number of bathrooms:
  • Heating system:
  • Cooling system:
  • Flooring:
  • Appliances:
  • Outdoor space:
  • Upgrades:
  • Extras: 
  • Neighbourhood features: 

While this step does take time, it’s worth the effort. This formatting makes it easy for ChatGPT to understand the information you’re feeding it so that it can create a well-formulated description.

Important tips: 

  • Don’t try to cram too many details into one bullet point. For example, rather than list restaurants, bars, galleries, parks and schools under “Neighbourhood features,” add additional bullet points for “Schools” and “Parks.” This helps ChatGPT better distill your input.
  • Be descriptive. It’s ChatGPT’s job to turn your listing information into an engaging write-up but if you can add key descriptors to certain details, you’ll improve the description’s accuracy and specificity. For example, “private backyard with lush professional landscaping” will give you a better end result than “private backyard.”

Nail Your Prompt

Your listing details are only one part of what you’ll enter in the ChatGPT chat field. The other part is your prompt — what you’re going to ask ChatGPT to do with the details.

The best ChatGPT prompts use simple language and provide both specific parameters and context (you can read more about what makes a good real estate ChatGPT prompt here). 

To effectively use ChatGPT for real estate listing descriptions, you’ll start with an introductory prompt, explaining what you need the tool to do. After ChatGPT responds, you’ll provide the listing details.

Here’s what that might look like:

You: “I’m a real estate agent. I need you to create a real estate listing description for a house I am trying to sell.”

ChatGPT: “I’d be happy to help you create a compelling real estate listing description for the house you’re trying to sell. To make it as effective as possible, please provide me with some key details about the property, such as its location, size, features, and any unique selling points.”

You: “I want this description to be between 250 and 300 words. I want the description to be appealing to young families. Here are the property details. [Copy and paste your formatted list].”

Within seconds, ChatGPT will provide a professional-sounding listing description based on the information and parameters you provided. 

Ask for Tweaks

The ChatGPT real estate listing description likely won’t be exactly what you’re looking for off the bat. 

No problem. Just ask ChatGPT to tweak it!

Here are some examples of what you might ask the tool to change (and how):

  • Length. “I would like the description to be between 250 and 300 words.”
  • Tone. “I would like the tone of the description to be friendly but slightly more subdued.”
  • Audience. “I would like the description to more strongly appeal to families.”
  • Structure. “I would like the description to end with information about the neighbourhood.”
  • Missed details. “Please add the following details to the description…”

Create Alternate Versions and Adaptations 

With a polished ChatGPT real estate listing description in hand, you can go back to the tool and ask it to adapt the description to serve other purposes. This is a huge time-saver!

You could ask ChatGPT to turn the description into an engaging Instagram caption or to write an enticing email subject line for a newsletter containing the listing. 

You could also ask ChatGPT to create alternate versions of the polished description. For example, a version that appeals to investors instead of young families.

Here’s what those kinds of prompts could look like:

  • “I am going to provide you with a real estate listing description. Using the description, please write an Instagram caption. Here is the description:” 
  • “I am going to provide you with a real estate listing description. Using the description, please write an enticing subject line for an email newsletter. Here is the description:” 
  • “I am going to provide you with a real estate listing description. Please adapt the description so that it sounds enticing for real estate investors. Here is the description:”

The Key Takeaways About Using ChatGPT for Real Estate Listing Descriptions

  1. Prep work is required — don’t cut corners 
  2. Be specific about what you want when it comes to tone, style and structure 
  3. You should take the time to edit the ChatGPT listing description so that it sounds more natural and aligned with your brand 
  4. Using ChatGPT to turn the listing description into other content is an incredible way to save time


Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by myRealPage

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