Broker’s Featured Agents: More Power to Them!

Our Broker clients have enjoyed MyRealPage “Agent Directory” product with full website integration for some time now, including the ability to “Feature An Agent” on any rotation schedule, manual, automatic, or random.
Now, the “Featured Agent” has even more power.
  • As a broker, you may decide to register a domain and associate it with an Instant Agent Website. You can now do that from your “Domains” module.
  • As a broker, you may decide to forward all listing inquiries from your website to your feature agent; equally, you may decide that the featured agent should also screen and process Virtual Office Website (VOW) sign-ups. Now you can easily enable this function and you can even copy all communication to your main email account, just in case…
Featured Agent Communication Settings
  • Now, you can also specify which forms on your website, when submitted, should be forwarded to your Featured Agent. Some forms, such as “Home Evaluation”, are good candidates, whereas others, such as “Become an Agent”, may be left to go to the main broker email account: the choice is yours!
Featured Agent Web Form Communication
  • To round-off this new suite of features, you can also “delegate” any contact or lead in your Contact/Lead Manager to any one of your agents which has a MyRealPage account. The contact or lead is transferred fully, including their Virtual Office Website (VOW) subscription (if any), username and password:
Featured Agent Contact Delegation

Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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