How to Use Instagram Stories to Elevate Your Real Estate Brand

This post was updated on 09/15/2017.
Since the release of Instagram Stories in the summer of 2016, businesses and personalities have had the new opportunity to reach their Instagram audience through short video snippets. These stories last just for 24 hours and give viewers a candid look into the daily happenings of the person behind the account.
For real estate agents, Instagram Stories are a great way to share your daily life and to feature your business in a fun and personal way. Think of it like Snapchat, but for professionals.
Here are five ways to use this catchy medium to elevate your social media presence.
Use a Catchphrase
One way to stay on brand while showcasing different elements of your business is to use a catchphrase. Think of a snappy phrase, like DJ Khaled’s “major keys to success,” that can apply to your business.
Repeating this phrase in your stories will help create a narrative that viewers will associate with your business and your company’s mantra.
Don’t be afraid to give a face to the work behind your business – whether that’s you or a team member. The Instagram Stories channel is perfect for being personal.
Share the Views
People love imagining their alternative lives and with Instagram Stories, you can provide a fun portal.
For example: in addition to showing virtual open houses, you could take a panoramic video (slowwwwwly) of the view from the balcony of a property. You could even take an autumn walking tour of the neighborhood, or have a coffee at the local café. The first thing that you should keep in mind when choosing a camera for Instagram is that you need something that is easy to take with you while you go out.
These short-lasting stories give way for niche content that may not be as suitable for longer-lasting social media posts (think: Instagram posts, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, etc.).
Beat the Algorithm With a Story
Since Stories rest at the top of a user’s feed, they are always displayed to everyone following you. So posting a daily Story ensures your brand stays top of mind (and top of feed!).
In addition, the feature allows you to add multiple photos and videos, and it stacks them chronologically, allowing you to create content throughout the day. Think about creating a flow to your content as the day progresses, encouraging your followers to check in throughout.
Add a Hashtag and Your Location for More Views
Stories lets you maximize the reach of your content, by way of location tags and hashtags.
Let’s say you add #homedecor to a photo or video in your Story. Not only will your viewers be able to click that hashtag to see more content tagged #homedecor, but your tagged photo or video will be added to a publicly discoverable, Instagram-wide story – featuring content with the same tag.
Location tags work similarly. Add a location to your Story (using the Sticker feature, the leftmost icon on the top row of your Story posting page) and get discovered by any Instagram user browsing the public Story for that location.
Note: your Stories will only be discoverable this way if your profile is public (and if it’s for your real estate business, it should be!).
More Collaborators Means More Fun
Another great aspect of Stories is the room for collaboration. Since the content only lasts 24 hours, there’s a demand for constant and new videos.
You and your co-workers or team members can take turns as the guest curator of the week, showcasing the various open houses and events your real estate business participates in.
Special guests or new homeowners can even do “account takeovers” or be featured. Stories are such a great way to share a peek of who you are as a company – so make sure everyone gets a go!
Have you tried Instagram Stories for your business yet?
Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage