5 Text Message Templates for Realtors to Win Back Clients and Boost Sales

5 Text Message Templates For Realtors To Win Back Clients And Boost Sales

So you’ve got a potential client whose interest seems to be fading.

Or maybe you’ve got a pretty good feeling that a current client is ready to give up.

How do you win them back? Send a friendly email? Tag them on Facebook? Beg?

Try texting.

Most people — we’re talking over 80 per cent — open every text message they receive. In one survey, 70 per cent of respondents felt that SMS text messages were a good way for a company to grab their attention.

Like your emails or social media efforts, what you say in your text messages is key.

“Hey, still interested?” isn’t going to cut it. To get you started, we’ve outlined five different text message templates to help you boost sales and win back clients.

An Important Note Before You Text

Depending on where you’re based, anti-spam legislation — such as Canada’s CASL — may apply to the messages you send to clients or prospects. This includes text communications.

If you’re already on a personal texting basis with your recipient, and have been in touch in the last six months, you’re probably fine.

If your intended recipient is someone you met at an event or who you’ve connected with online, you’ll need to cover your bases. This FAQ is a helpful starting point.

Template #1: The Temptation

Recipient: a current client who no longer seems motivated to buy a house with you

“Hey [client’s first name]! Just caught wind of a brand new listing that I think would be PERFECT for you. Sending it your way now. What do you think?”

Template #2: The I-Spy

Recipient: a prospect who registered through a form (that included a phone number field) on your real estate agent website to browse and save listings

“Hi [prospect’s first name]. I noticed you saved a few [city name or type of dwelling] listings on my website. If you want a better look, I’d love to walk you through them.”

Template #3: The Price is Right

Recipient: a previous client who decided to hold off on selling

“Hi [prospect’s first name]. I know it’s been awhile since we last spoke. I just wanted to let you know that a couple homes recently sold for over [asking or dollar amount] in your area, and I think we could get top dollar for yours right now. Can we have a quick chat?”

Template #4: The Remember Me?

Recipient: a warm buyer lead who you met with, but who didn’t continue down the pipeline

“Hi [prospect’s first name]. This is [your name] of [real estate group]. I was wondering if you ended up buying a home? I only ask because a great new listing popped up in your desired neighbourhood and you were the first person I thought of. Let me know if you’re interested!”

Template #5: The Upsell

Recipient: a prospect who registered through a form (that included a phone number field) on your website to receive a free home valuation

“Hi [prospect’s first name]. This is [your name] of [real estate group]. Thanks for signing up for a home valuation. I’m putting it together now. I’ll actually be in and around your neighbourhood on Saturday. Want to grab a quick coffee?”


Do you plan to use one of these templates? What’s your trick for reengaging leads and clients that have gone cold?



Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by myRealPage

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