5 Real Estate Email Templates to Save You Time

Emails used to be just one form of communication that real estate agents made use of.
Now, it’s the primary form. Most agents would say they conduct a large part of their business by email. Sharing listings, finalizing contracts, resolving conflicts, chasing leads. And so on, and so on.
Which is why knowing how to craft good emails — clear, concise, friendly, and strategic — is vital to the success of your real estate business.
It takes practice, consistency, and thoughtfulness. To get you started (and save you some time), we’ve crafted five real estate email templates for five different common scenarios.
Happy emailing!
5 Real Estate Email Templates to Save You Time
The Open House Follow-Up Email
When to use: when you want to follow up with a warm connection you made at a recent open house
The template:
Hi [first name],
It was great chatting with you at the [property address] open house last week. [Insert an anecdote from your conversation; e.g. “I ended up ordering dinner from that restaurant you mentioned. Thanks for the suggestion!”).
What did you think of the house? The [standout detail about the listing; e.g. the backyard] is pretty amazing, isn’t it? If you have any more questions, let me know.
I have a few similar listings in [neighbourhoods] that are perfect for [description of lead’s household; e.g. families with young kids, young couples, those who want to be closer to nature, etc.]. Check out the links below. If you’re interested, I can set up a private walk-through for you. No pressure!
[bulleted list of listing links]
Thanks again for stopping by last week. Hope to hear from you!
[your name]
The Testimonial Request Email
When to use: when you want to ask a past client to provide you with a testimonial
The template:
Hi [first name],
How are you? You must be getting ready for the big move! So exciting. I want to say again how happy I am for you.
I have a small favour to ask of you. I loved working together and as such, it would mean a lot to me to have a testimonial from you. Would you mind taking a few minutes this week to leave me a review on [your desired review platform, such as Facebook or Google]?
It doesn’t have to be very long; just four or so lines would be so appreciated. Perhaps you could mention [a detail about your working relationship; e.g. a drone video, a great open house, excellent staging].
Here’s the link to my [review platform]: [link].
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for being a wonderful client!
[your name]
Want more real estate testimonial emails? Check out these other testimonial request email templates.
The Reconnection Email
When to use: when you want to reconnect with a past client, in hopes of staying top of mind when it comes to future opportunities
The template:
Hi [first name],
Long time no see! I was driving around [neighbourhood where they used to live, or where you helped them purchase a home] and thought of you. How are you doing? How’s [e.g. their partner, children, dog]?
I was doing some research on homes in your area and thought you might be interested to know that selling prices are up [recent statistic, such as percentage year-over-year]. That bodes well for you!
If you ever have any questions about the market or about how to increase your home’s value, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to help.
Keep in touch!
[your name]
The Open House Invite Email
When to use: when you want to invite a lead, past or present, to an open house
The template:
Hi [first name],
Hope this email finds you well!
I remember you mentioning to me that you’ve always loved [neighbourhoods the lead had shown interest in]. I wanted to let you know that I have an amazing listing in that area right now. I’m hosting an open house this weekend, and I thought you might want to swing by.
Here’s the link to the listing [hyperlink]. The address is [property address] and the open house is happening on [day of the week] from [time span].
Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to see you!
[your name]
The Lead-Gone-Cold Email
When to use: when you’ve been working with a lead that has now gone cold and you want to make one last attempt to revive the relationship
The template:
Hi [first name],
I haven’t heard back from you in quite some time about [“your house hunt” or “selling your house”] so I’m going to assume your priorities have changed, or that you’ve decided to go in a different direction?
If you are still thinking of moving, I’d be happy to help in any way I can. It’s a great time to [buy or sell].
[Your name]
What other real estate templates would you like to see us create? Tell us below.
Last Updated on August 23, 2024 by myRealPage