5 Ways to Curate your Real Estate Instagram Feed

All realtors and real estate businesses know that home buyers and sellers alike love to look at photos. From high-quality exterior shots of homes to interior design and decor details, pictures give potential buyers a closer look at their prospective home. And where’s a better place to house these pictures than the popular photography platform Instagram?
With over 400 million users (that’s more than Twitter, by the way), Instagram is a great way to share photo inspiration and build an audience for your business. For real estate businesses, this is no exception.
Here are five ways to curate the perfect Instagram feed for your real estate brand.
Pick an aesthetic and stick to it
Just like how a business abides by certain branding guidelines, your Instagram posts should abide by certain aesthetic rules. What this means is that all the photos and videos you share should “match” one another. This could mean using similar colours and fonts, or having reoccurring imagery like realtor Lill Peter’s use of flowers.
Always post authentically
There’s nothing worse than seeing a feed that’s filled with just stock images or images covered in text. Your followers are interested in seeing real photos representative of you and your brand – not generic content. Be sure to post genuine content and take advantage of any high quality photos available to you. Take a look at BOND New York Real Estate, which uses a combination of staged photos and impromptu team shots in their feed.
Edit your photos in a similar way
Instagram displays all of your photos together on the profile page view, so making sure all your content looks good together is key. One way to do this is to edit your photos using apps like AfterLight or VSCO Cam. These apps can keep your photos looking consistent with certain filters or simple edits. Cleaning up the brightness and contrast of your photos, as well as using framing apps like InstaSize, are easy ways to keep your feed looking professional and clean.
Plan out your content
Although you’ll sometimes want to post on the fly, having a schedule for your postings is the best way to entice your followers. Try out themed weeks, like a focus on property exteriors or unique doors, like realtor Anne Jones. Taking time at the beginning of each month to edit and select the next few photos you share is one of the best ways to up your Instagram game. Plus, there are scheduling tools like the Latergramme app that can make the process a little easier.
Use a catchy but simple hashtag
With Instagram, it’s easy to get lost in the plethora of hashtags that you can include in your caption. One simple way to create consistency and a strong sense of branding in your posts is to use the same hashtag in each post. For example, realtor Sophie Mehtemetian uses #KeepingItRealEstate. Think of something simple and all encompassing for your business, and don’t be afraid to leverage or put your own spin on existing ones.
Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage