How to Create an Easy, Lead-Generating Realtor Website

How To Create An Easy, Lead-Generating Realtor Website

In a perfect world, you’re updating your realtor website all the time…

Adding new blog posts, tweaking your bio, offering new promotions, and live streaming from open houses.

On the myRealPage blog, we talk about these activities a lot — how to do them, and why they’re so important.

But we know it’s a lot to ask. Realtors are busy, wearing all the different hats that running a one-person business requires.

So we’re here with good news: the “set it and forget it” methodology is a totally acceptable approach to your website and online presence.

Setting up a good website that works and then letting it run itself can be a successful strategy.

Here are three tips for creating a low-maintenance realtor website that works.

1. Don’t go it alone

The first and most important part of creating an effective low-maintenance realtor website is to get set up with a template that works for you.

There are plenty of website services that offer simple and customizable templates or, for something more personalized, you can work with a web designer to create something basic.

For a website that’s tailored specifically to the real estate industry, myRealPage offers responsive realtor website themes that are modern, easy to update, and outfitted with features specifically to help you – the realtor – win business.

2. Avoid features with short shelf lives

To avoid frequent edits, pass on features that expire quickly.

Blogs, news, and featured listings all require weekly updates (at a minimum); anything less gives the impression that your website is an afterthought and that you might not be actively working.

So if you won’t be tweeting regularly, don’t embed a Twitter widget. If blogging consistently is unrealistic, then resist the temptation to create a blog page. The same principle applies to a section for news or updates.

3. Implement a VOW feature

If there is one tip that’ll make your real estate life easier, this is it.

The VOW (virtual office website) feature enables realtors to give their website visitors direct access to MLS listings where they can search for homes at their leisure – all from the realtor’s website.

It’s a win-win feature for both you, the realtor, and your website visitors; they can browse properties directly from your site, while you collect their contact information from their account signup, and then follow up with them in a personalized way. This turns them from being a casual website visitor to a potential client – fast.

The VOW lead-generation tool is a hugely effective way to create a low maintenance website that delivers results on its own.

Typically, getting set up to have the VOW feature requires jumping through a few hoops.

myRealPage websites are already equipped with the VOW feature, making getting started as simple as choosing your template.



Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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