How Live Chat Can Help You Close More Real Estate Leads

How Live Chat Can Help You Close More Real Estate Leads

What if we told you there’s a website tool that pretty much guarantees a higher rate of conversions, and that you could be up and running with it tomorrow? There is, and it’s THAT effective. It’s called live chat. 

While it may seem obvious, it’s important to point out that live chat is solving an important element of online customer service: people still want to talk to people.

You’ve likely seen live chat features at work on other sites.

When you get to the home page, a small chat box or notification opens in the bottom right corner, greeting you and asking if you have any questions or need any assistance.

Maybe you’ve ignored the alert before, but many web users don’t.

For them, live chat is a way to find quick answers to their questions, and for companies, it’s a simple way to capture and convert visitors to customers.

Live chat can help realtors close more leads. Here’s how.

1. It’s immediate, and real-time

When a prospective client emails you, leaves you a voicemail or sends you a Facebook message, there’s a delay between their search for information and when you give it to them.

And during that delay, they could become disinterested, start talks with another realtor or become frustrated by a slow response.

Live chat capitalizes on the warm and timely interest of a visitor to your site.

They can receive immediate and personable responses to their questions, establishing an excellent first impression and boosting the odds of them moving down the pipeline.

2. It builds trust

Having a real person, not a robot, available to answer questions from visitors adds a whole new level of authenticity and credibility.

Whether it’s you or an employee manning the live chat, providing an immediate opportunity for real conversation via your website sends the message that you’re an approachable, open person who’s happily available to answer questions.

3. It qualifies leads

Much more than emails, the real-time back-and-forth dialogue of live chats gives you a reliable sense of how serious a visitor is about engaging your services.

It’s possible that you’ll be able to qualify a lead after just one live chat via your website.

Live chat provides an almost instant way to determine whether a visitor is just curious or truly serious about hiring a realtor, saving you the time and energy that more traditional ways of lead qualification require.

4. Plus, it’s easy to initiate

Adding a live chat feature to your realtor website doesn’t require advanced technical skills, or even a major investment.

myRealPage customers, for example, can take advantage of our integration with Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim). Simply create an account with Zendesk and connect it with mRP (or ask us to do it — we’re happy to). Other live chat providers include Freshdesk, Zoho SalesIQ. and Olark.



Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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