Real Estate Seo Next Steps: 5 Tips for Off-Site Optimization

Real Estate Seo Next Steps 5 Tips for Off-Site Optimization

In our last article we covered some tips for on-site optimization of your myRealPage website and in this article we will cover some tips for optimizing your off-site presence. With off-site optimization there are a lot more paths you can take. However, we recommend you include consistent and relevant social media activity, link building, and local search optimization in your strategy.

1. Social Media – Setting up and maintaining professional and well branded social media profiles can easily become overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Having clear instructions and well thought out goals in mind will eliminate all the guess work.

We recommend setting up the big three: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as a couple others that really compliment your myRealPage website or personality. If you like doing video blog posts on recent listings, sign up for YouTube.

Place these social media icons as links on your Homepage and Contact page as people will look to check out your social media when visiting your website.

2. Gather Inbound Links – This is one of Google’s most important ranking criteria, that is how many other websites have a clickable link on their website that takes people to your website. It doesn’t matter if anybody ever clicks those links, but the fact they’re there tells Google your site is worthy of higher rankings. However, you must be wary of poor quality links from overseas websites. If they are not good quality websites with content relevant to yours Google will penalize your rankings.

3. Explore Multimedia – We recommend exploring new avenues of social media through video, high resolution images, slideshows and music. Not only do some of these social media websites offer creative new ways to relay information, some of them also offer the opportunity to get a link that points to your website.

This allows you to showcase your stunning new listing through video, high resolution photos and build links at the same time. The more inbound links you have the higher your website’s rankings will be in search result pages.

4. Interact in Forums and Blogs – Becoming an active member in community forums, industry forums and blogs can quickly increase the amount of traffic and social credibility your brand receives. This refers to answering questions, sharing valuable and interesting information and ultimately working towards establishing yourself as an authority figure.

5. Localize your strategy – Localizing your business refers to exploring the benefits for small and local business online. Signing up for websites like Yelp and Google Maps help increase your online visibility. They offer links that point to your website and also provide your clients and potential clients with reviews.

Localizing your business also allows your potential clients to easily find you through Google Maps. It’s all about making the search process as easy as possible for your prospects.

We hope you enjoyed the 3 part series of Getting Started with SEO. Make sure to watch out for our next 3 part series: Getting started with Social Media, where we guide you through the set-up process of the most popular social networks: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We’ll even throw in some SEO tips too!

Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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