How To Keep Your Clients (and Get More Referrals)

How To Keep Your Clients (And Get More Referrals)

Fact: You can’t be successful in real estate without a steady base of clients, and you can’t grow that steady base without referrals.

But in an industry full of agents, how on earth is a realtor supposed to do both?

Good habits are a great place to start, but if you really want to keep your clients and get more referrals in the process, then it’s time that you up your networking game. Period.  

Remember To Follow Up

The concept of “following up” is nothing new. It’s been drilled into the heads of every job-seeker, small business owner and independent contractor since the beginning of time.

But there’s good reason for it – nine times out of ten, the practice works.

The “follow up” shows the person on the receiving end that their time and business were appreciated, and that keeping a genuine connection is something of importance to you.

Retain clients and get more referrals by sending a card, a thank-you note, or even a small gift after a deal has closed. Because it isn’t just the polite thing to do; it’s also one of the most beneficial practices for your business.

Build Out Your Network

Clients and other real estate agents make for great connections, but if you want to get more referrals, then expand your network to pros outside of your industry.

Some smart places to start: contractors, attorneys, financial advisors, and other small businesses in your area. It’s a win-win for all. These contacts can push your services without threatening their own livelihood, while you pass them new customers through your already established client base.

Provide More Value

Going above and beyond the call of duty might sound cliché, but when it comes to retaining clients, it’s essential.

Competition lurks around every corner in the real estate industry, so it’s super important to make sure clients are happy with the services you provide, and then some. Adding more value wherever you can helps set you apart from the other guys and that’s what your client base is likely to note when providing a referral to others in their network.

Feedback Is Your Friend

If you want to keep clients and get more referrals in the process, then you’ve got to know how your services stack up against the competition. Easiest way to figure that out? Feedback.

Chat with loyal customers to find out what they enjoy most about your services and which aspects of your business keep them coming back for more.

If you’re new to the real estate game and haven’t built up a loyal network just yet, then consider using a survey system. Surveys allow clients to offer praise and criticisms in an anonymous way (read: makes people more comfortable), which can offer some helpful insight for newer realtors.

Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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