Three Email Templates for Reviving Dead Real Estate Leads

Three Email Templates For Reviving Dead Real Estate Leads

Before we discuss email templates, raise your hand if you’ve had this problem before…

You’ve been emailing back and forth with a prospective client. Things are off to a good start. You can taste the deal, it’s so close, when suddenly … your game of email ping-pong ends. Your once promising lead has disappeared and your attempts at reconnecting have gone unanswered.

Before you wipe your hands clean and move on, it’s worthwhile to send one more, strategically written note.

Here are three different email templates you can use today that can help bring a dead lead back to life.

1. The assumption email template

This is a pretty well-known email tactic in the world of sales, because of its simplicity and effectiveness.

It’s assertive, and does away with desperation, insincere politeness and vagueness. And that makes it very hard for your lead not to reply back, whether it’s a positive answer (they were out of town, busy, etc.) or not (they went with another agent or decided not to buy or sell at all).

Subject line: Closing the file or Closing the loop

Body: Hi [first name of lead],

I haven’t heard back from you about [your house hunt, sale, etc.] so I’m going to assume your priorities have changed, or that you’ve decided to go in a different direction.

[Your name]

2. The question email template

This approach differs from the first, in two ways: the mention of the lead’s specific situation in the subject line makes it personal, and it’s asking for a response.

It also feels slightly softer in tone, which, depending on the nature of your relationship with the lead or on their personality (or yours), might be preferable.

If you’re accustomed to sending longer, more detailed emails, than this extra-short note may feel unnatural. But let go of the temptation to add more; the simplicity of this template is key.

Subject line: Still looking [to move to San Diego, to buy a condo, to sell your townhouse, etc.]?

Body: Let me know.


[Your name]

3. Leaving the door open

Subject line: Your [move, sale, rental, condo]

Body: I haven’t heard back from you about this, so I’m going to assume your priorities have changed and I will close your file. Let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.

[Your name]

This tactic takes the assertiveness of the first email template, but leaves the door open a crack, like template two.

Slightly longer in length, it may feel more in line with other emails you’ve exchanged with your lead. The mention of closing the file might spur an uncertain lead to get back in the game with you, or it might encourage a no-longer-interested prospect to reply with a respectful confirmation of your assumption.

With any of these templates, you can expect a few possible responses:

  • A polite thank-you and confirmation that they’ve moved on
  • An emotional reply and explanation of their previous silence, with guilt for not answering sooner (this is the money-making reply and due to your pragmatic approach, you’ve just earned the upper-hand back)
  • Silence. This is the least likely response since you’ve created a perfect scenario for them to wrap up their stress (or “close the loop”) of having unanswered emails, simply via a quick, one-line response back.

Try these email templates out and let us know in the comments which worked for your client leads.



Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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