5 Content Ideas For Your Real Estate Newsletter

5 Content Ideas For Your Real Estate Newsletter

In case you’re either gung-ho to start or have already begun to receive subscribers, what are you going to share with them? We’ve got you covered with a few unique ideas.

Keep in mind that having subscribers is kind of a big deal – these are people who have opted in to receive your content.

This means you have access to their personal (online) space! It’s difficult to gain these permissions, but even more challenging to sustain their interest. With so much competition out there, your challenge is to inform and connect with your audience. Here are a few of our best ideas on how to do so.

  1. Create your own “evergreen” blogs and how-to’s

This might seem obvious, but remember, people have subscribed to you for a reason. They probably like you and respect what you have to say about the local real estate industry.

So why not write out your very own tips on your blog and in your newsletter? And by “evergreen,” just think – will this content be relevant in six months or a year’s time? Content that answers the more basic, process-like questions is typically applicable here.

E.g. “A first-time homebuyer’s checklist” or “Questions to ask your mortgage broker” might be two relevant topics to your readers, no matter how long ago the content was written. A tip is to include a snippet of the blog post in your newsletter and then encourage your readers to click to read the full post on your website.

  1. Curate news and resources from top blogs and news outlets

Not so much a Hemingway, yourself? That’s okay if you don’t like to write.

Some newsletters prove to be quite successful by simply serving as a “roundup” of news and articles written by other people. You can do this too.

Just don’t forget to share why this filtered content is important from your perspective, and feel free to add in your own spin or two cents on the matter. Did big news just break in the real estate market? It’s a good idea to share this and maybe even include your own prelude.

  1. Feature guest posts

This also relates to those who don’t love writing so much. You likely have a slew of industry-related contacts – why not feature their writings?

From tips from your interior designer contact or your mortgage broker buddy, surely you know a few people who would be more than willing to share their own industry knowledge in return for a feature in your newsletter.

  1. Home ownership tips and ideas

So maybe not everyone on your list is looking to buy or sell – maybe some are happy homeowners. How do you keep them engaged with your content? One idea is to include a section in your newsletter where you include tips for homeowners, ranging from home maintenance guides to renovating tips to recommending trusted contractors.

  1. Brag about the neighbourhood

Live in an awesome place? Chances are your subscribers will feel the same way and will enjoy content that highlights the local awesome-ness.

You could cover any new restaurants in town, new developments, festivals, events and equally awesome people in the community. Hey, imagine how great one of your subscribers would feel if they saw themselves highlighted in your newsletter! Always best to check with them first, of course, but a little flattery never hurt anyone.

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage

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