5 Tech Tools That Make Running Your Real Estate Biz A Breeze

Pick any facet of your realtor business, and we guarantee there are tech tools that can help you manage it. From productivity to collaboration to project management, there’s a platform, software or app for everything.
With you, the savvy realtor, in mind, we’ve made our picks for the five best tech tools available today that make running your business easier.
1. Slack – For Team Communication
In just a few years, Slack has gone from a relatively unknown startup to one of the fastest growing, most heralded tech companies in the world. It’s all thanks to the brilliant way that it brings all your necessary collaboration and communication tools together – in one place.
Instead of emailing your team members long notes, using a chat service for quick questions, and sharing documents on a company server, you can use Slack to talk in real-time as a group, chat one-on-one, and share files – all of which you can refer back to using a search feature.
How you can use it for your real estate business: if you work as part of a team, or have a small team of contractors to manage, Slack is an efficient way to keep one another up-to-date on clients, leads and deals.
You could have an open channel where all team members chat about anything and everything, and other channels dedicated to specific clients, where you trade information and updates.
You can upload photos and contracts, too, eliminating the need for back-and-forth emails with attachments. And because Slack has apps for iOS and Android, you can stay in the loop from anywhere — like open houses, meetings, or viewings around the neighbourhood.
2. Intercom – For Customer Communication
Slack is our go-to tool for team communication; Intercom is our favourite tool for customer communication.
It offers three key services:
a very slick and effective live chat experience between customers and companies;
- a comprehensive customer support database that empowers customers to help themselves, and companies to manage requests as a team;
- and ways to target, onboard and retain new customers.
And, like Slack, it does most of these things via a well-oiled platform that keeps teams organized and on the same page.
These kinds of activities used to happen by way of old school customer service inboxes and support lines, but Intercom brings them all together – and pairs them with some pretty cool customer targeting and retention tools.
How you can use it for your real estate business: the live chat experience is an awesome way for realtors to offer next-level customer service.
Once Intercom is up and running on your website, your visitors will see a chat box where they can enter a question. You can set the service up so that the visitor will receive an automated reply, indicating when they can expect your response. If you’re online at that moment, you can fire off your response right away using the Intercom platform. And if you’re not online, you can respond via the platform within the time window you indicated.
Realtors can also use Intercom to capture potential new clients. Based on website visitor behaviour that you define — for example, if someone visits your Testimonials page three times — Intercom can proactively send a targeted message you’ve created to try and engage that lead further.
3. ScreenFlow – For Screen Recording and Video Editing
This is by far the coolest way to record what’s happening on your computer monitor, then turning it into pro-looking video content to share. (For Mac users only, but a good Windows alternative is Camtasia.)
If you’ve ever wondered how someone turned a Skype interview or a computer program tutorial into surprisingly nice video content, there’s a good chance they were using ScreenFlow.
The program lets users record all or a partial section of their Mac computer, iPhone and iPad screens, as well as audio.
It is a very comprehensive, yet very intuitive video editing software that lets even video editing newbies trim and mix their content. Users can also add filters, music, graphics, special effects and more, before saving and publishing to the finished file for sharing.
How you can use it for your real estate business: we love the idea of hosting a live Q&A session online, like on Facebook, and using ScreenFlow to capture not only the footage of yourself, but the questions being submitted in real-time by your audience. You could then use those captures to create a version that’s more engaging for views on YouTube and on your website.
You could also use ScreenFlow to record yourself exploring your online listings, pointing out key features to viewers, and then incorporating additional photo and video content in the editing process to create a super helpful and comprehensive online home tour – all narrated by you.
4. Rapportive – For Customer Insights
The wise people behind LinkedIn’s Rapportive tool realized that things would be much easier if every email received came with an introduction (or refresher) on the sender.
That’s what the tool does. Once you integrate Rapportive with Gmail, you’ll be able to see all the most important info from each person’s LinkedIn profile — their location, job, employer, your mutual connections and interests, and their smiling face.
How you can use it for your real estate business: if you’re receiving emails from potential clients, this quick dose of biographical information gives you context that will help you frame your approach and start building a relationship. It’s also a lifesaver for those times when you blank out on who someone is.
5. Adobe CC Express – For Easy Graphic Design
Simply put, this tool turns the busiest, most technically challenged business owners into graphic designers.
Backed by Adobe, a company that has its roots solidly in graphic design and multimedia, it’s one of the simplest and most user-friendly ways to create professional-looking charts, infographics, diagrams, and text overlays that can be used in newsletters, blog posts, websites, brochures and social media posts.
How you can use it for your real estate business: you can use Adobe CC Express to create the aforementioned items, but also to create images and graphics for your open house flyers, listing features sheets, and event invitations. You can also use it to add finishing touches to your real estate videos, as well as create custom video thumbnails.
Last Updated on August 22, 2022 by myRealPage