INFOGRAPHICS: April 2023 TRREB Toronto Market Reports

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The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) housing market continued to tighten in April 2023. On a year-over-year basis, sales edged lower compared to April 2022, but new listings were down by more than one-third. Fewer listings relative to sales meant there was more competition between buyers, supporting an improvement in selling prices since the beginning of this year.

“In line with TRREB’s outlook and recent consumer polling results, we are seeing a gradual improvement in sales and average selling price. Many buyers have come to terms with higher borrowing costs and are taking advantage of lower selling prices compared to this time last year. The issue moving forward will not be the demand for ownership housing, but rather the ability to meet this demand with adequate supply. This is a policy issue that requires sustained effort from all levels of government,” said TRREB President Paul Baron.

GTA REALTORS® reported 7,531 sales through TRREB’s MLS® System in April 2023 – down by 5.2 per cent compared to April 2022. In comparison to March 2023, sales increased on an actual and seasonally adjusted basis. On a year-over-year basis, new listings were down by 38.3 per cent in April 2023.

Read the full report on TRREB website!

The following data is a comparison between April 2023 and April 2022 numbers, and is current as of May 2023. For last month’s numbers, check out our previous infographic!

Or follow this link for all our TREB / TRREB Infographics!

Download Printable Version – April 2023 TRREB, Toronto Market Report Part 1

Download Printable Version – April 2023 TRREB, Toronto Market Report Part 2

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage

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