4 Ways Realtors Can Get More Blog Traffic via Tweeting
![4 Ways Realtors Can Get More Blog Traffic via Tweeting](https://myrealpage.com/wp-content/uploads/4-Ways-Realtors-Can-Get-More-Blog-Traffic-via-Tweeting.jpg)
Twitter is currently one of the biggest social media platforms, with 8 million users in Canada alone. This number is projected to balloon to 8.5 million users by 2018, as per the latest statistics and forecasts.
With such a large audience, it only makes sense that it is the perfect venue for promoting one’s business.
For realtors, establishing a presence within the Twitterverse is a great way to drive traffic to their websites, specifically, to their blogs.
By offering useful content via blogs, it becomes easier to attract site visitors. More visitors equals more chances to gain leads, who will hopefully – ultimately – become actual clients.
But how exactly can realtors use Twitter to promote their blogs? Here are a few quick ways.
Involve other people in your tweets via thanking or mentioning them
The most obvious way would be to call other people’s attention to your blog post directly.
Do you think one or some of your contacts might find the post useful?
Did someone else share your post on Twitter?
Was the blog post created with someone’s help (interview, data gathering, editing, etc)?
All of those above are good reasons to mention people in a Tweet, along with a link to the blog post. Go ahead and start a conversation with your network!
Repurpose blog content into shareable pieces
Due to Twitter’s 140-character limit, you can’t always share parts of your blog post directly. Add to that the need to also be able to include a link to it, and it can get pretty crowded real fast (even if you’ve already used a link shortener).
This can be quite a dilemma, especially if you think that there are parts of your post that can be particularly attractive to readers.
To get around this, try taking parts of the post, and repurposing it into other forms of content.
For example, you can take a short excerpt from your post, or a quote, and layer it on top of an image.
This new graphic is not only attention-catching, but it also allows readers to get a good preview of your blog post. And all without you having to worry about Twitter’s character limits!
These types of content also tend to get retweeted and shared much faster due to its visual nature.
So get creative, and play around with other formats such as videos or audio clips, too. Just make sure to include a link back to the original blog post it was derived from!
Tweet the link to your blog post more than once
Just because you’ve tweeted about your blog post once, doesn’t mean it never has to see the light of day again.
It’s perfectly okay to share the link to your blog post several times, especially if it’s relevant to current trends or events.
Remember, though, to provide a different caption to accompany each tweet, and to adequately space out your tweets. Make sure a reasonable amount of time has passed between each re-share, to prevent it from being perceived as spam by your Twitter followers.
Add social media sharing buttons to your blog posts
Coming from the other end of the funnel, it’s also important to ensure that there’s a direct way for your content to be shared to social media sites.
For many readers, it can be frustrating to stumble upon something interesting and wanting to share it with their friends, but not having a convenient way to do so.
This is particularly true for readers who are on their mobile phones, and the tendency would be to just move on.
Sure, it can be bookmarked for later, but your blog post then runs the risk of getting buried among other saved links, or just simply being forgotten about.
Avoid this by making use of social media widgets or “Tweet This” buttons that readers can use to share your blog post quickly. It makes readers happy, AND your content gets extra exposure – a win-win situation!
These are just a few of many ways that Twitter can help increase blog traffic for realtors.
However, as with most things, it’s also important to remember that moderation is key. Tagging or mentioning people too often, or re-sharing the same link too much can result in negative reactions from your Twitter followers.
So just pace yourself, and keep producing good quality content for your readers!
Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage