Why (And How) Realtors Should Use Webinars As a Marketing Tool

Pssst. Here’s a secret. We know of a marketing tool you likely haven’t tried: webinars.
That’s right, the humble web-based seminar is actually an incredibly effective way to sell yourself as a realtor and attract new clients.
Wait, What Exactly is a Webinar?
Seminar + web = webinar. It’s a seminar that you don’t need to attend in person (that’s so last decade), hosted online so almost anyone can sit in.
Participants are given a URL where they can join the session. You’ll be able to hear, and in some cases, see the speakers leading the discussion.
You might also be able to contribute comments or ask questions, either by typing or speaking into your microphone.
Why Would A Realtor Want to Host a Webinar?
- Webinars offer real estate agents new ways to build their personal brand, develop an audience and share valuable information and insights.
- Webinars don’t cost much to set up and run, and the host doesn’t need advanced web skills to make them happen. It’s the most interactive form of marketing and it’s accessible to most people (location isn’t a factor).
- Plus, it’s one of the best ways to connect with an audience. Once a participant has logged onto a webinar, the host can connect with them directly. Unlike marketing your realtor business through a blog or newsletter (which are passive forms of content marketing), webinars offer an active, in-real-time way to engage.
Bonus: your webinar content can have continued shelf time long after you’ve logged off. Turn the transcript into a whitepaper, or publish it as a video or podcast.
How Can a Realtor Host a Webinar?
It’s fairly simple.
First, decide on what you’re going to discuss. Good webinars teach participants something useful, so stay away from simply discussing your business and what you can offer as a realtor.
Here’s a list of topics to inspire you:
- A Q&A for first-time home buyers
- Home improvements: cost versus value
- Moving on up: what first-time condo buyers need to know
- Trends and forecasts for the local market
- How to prep your home to sell
Next, you’ll have to decide where you will host your webinar.
There are plenty of tools to choose from, including GoToWebinar, AnyMeeting, ClickMeeting, YouTube Live and Facebook Live. Each service has a different process, but generally speaking, you’ll set up the webinar and be provided with a link that participants will use to register with.
Once you’ve got that link, you’ll need to market your webinar. Give yourself around three weeks’ time to garner enough sign-ups.
First, create a landing page on your website where you can direct your audience to learn more and to sign up. Give your webinar a catchy title, add a brief description, date and time details, and include the aforementioned registration link.
Share this page on social media, in your newsletter, and ask your friends and partners to promote it as well.
To prepare for your duties as host, approach it like you would any other presentation. Plot out your beginning and conclusion, write speaking points, and create visuals to illustrate your content. Don’t forget to create opportunities where you’ll ask participants to submit questions.
And practice, practice, practice: you need to be engaging. Remember that your audience is likely sitting at home or at work, trying to focus in a room full of distractions. It’s your job to keep them at attention.
And that’s that! You’re off to the webinar races.
Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by myRealPage