Game-Changing Digital Marketing Tools That You Need to Take Advantage of

Game-Changing Digital Marketing Tools That You Need To Take Advantage Of

If you want to thrive (and not just survive) as a realtor in 2017, then you need to start harnessing the power of digital marketing tools that can seriously change your game — forever, and for better.

Sure, you’ve heard of the following tools, but are you truly taking advantage of their full potential?

1. Facebook

Stop treating Facebook as simply a channel to share photos of your happy clients standing with the “Sold!” sign in their yard.

This social media platform has evolved to become so much more than a place to share personal anecdotes and snapshots.

Facebook boasts over a billion daily active users, which translates to a huge audience for you, the realtor, to tap into.

It also happens to offer an incredibly sophisticated way to target particular demographics; more accurate than any other ad tool, you can narrow your ad’s reach to specific cities, postal codes, age groups, and hobbies and interests. All with a few easy clicks. It’s more affordable, more convenient and more effective than other attempts at targeting your audience. Why wouldn’t you be doing it?

2. Hootsuite

In 2017, there’s no excuse for not having a strong, consistent presence on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. But hey, we get it — creating and posting great content on a regular basis can be overwhelming.

That’s why you need to be using Hootsuite. This powerful social media management platform is a one-stop shop for creating and scheduling posts for all your different profiles. It allows you to work in advance, so you can avoid posting on the fly all the time, and it provides a holistic look at all your social activities, and the results you’re generating.

Hootsuite’s reports give you a sense of how and where you’re growing, and a look at which of your profiles could use some work. Stop taking a fragmented approach to social and bring it all under one roof with Hootsuite.  

3. Automated emails

Email marketing has come a long, long way. Affordable digital tools give you the power not only to create and send professional-looking emails, but the ability to grow a subscriber base, target your emails to specific audience members, and send new emails based on activities taken by your recipients — all amazing ways to generate new leads and grow your network.

Let’s say you’ve sent out a general newsletter that includes a link for your subscribers to sign up for a webinar you’re hosting about the 2017 housing market. You could create a campaign that would send a new email to any recipient who clicked the webinar link — and it could offer additional webinars, other content about the housing market, or an offer for a one-on-one info session or Q&A.

Which online marketing tool do you resolve to focus on in 2017?


Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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