20 Topic Ideas for Your Next Real Estate Marketing Videos

You already know that video should play a starring role in your real estate marketing efforts (and i you haven’t gotten behind the camera yet, let us remind you why realtors need video content).
Hopefully you’ve already got a library of video content, including video tours for your listings, as well as an introduction video, a client experience video, and a tips-and-tricks video.
Not sure what to shoot next? We hear you. And we’ve got you covered.
Find below 20 (!!!) topic ideas for your next real estate marketing videos. Save this list for a handy reference whenever you need some video inspo.
1. How to Get Your Home Ready for an Open House in 60 Minutes
Declutter, dust, clean the bathroom, light a candle, and GO! Share your best tips on last-minute open house prep.
2. 5 Mistakes First-time Buyers Make (and How to Avoid Them)
Maybe it’s being too picky, or biting off more than they can chew. Target this segment of the market with a video just for them.
3. The Top 10 Home Design Trends for [year]
Keep this in your back pocket for the end or beginning of a calendar year. Connect the trends to home sellability.
4. The Upgrades That Will Get You Top Dollar for Your Home
Use real-life examples from your career to share the kinds of renovations and additions that can have a noticeable impact on a home’s selling price.
5. What Sellers Need to Know About Home Inspections
Losing a sale after a house inspection gone bad is devastating — for the client and for you. Tackle this common fear with a video.
6. The Most Desirable Neighbourhoods in [your market] for [year]
Great content for the beginning of a new year. This kind of video can be featured on your site year-round, and will likely do well on social media. Think: neighbourhood pride.
7. The 10 Questions You Need to Ask When Interviewing a Realtor
Be your viewer’s friend; tell them what they need to be asking before they bring on a real estate agent.
8. What to Look For In an Income Property
Target a niche (and potentially lucrative) audience with your advice on how to buy a rental property or home with a rental unit that will deliver the best return on investment.
9. The Top 10 Landscaping Trends for [year]
This is a good video to bust out closer to springtime. Consider interviewing a local landscaper for their expertise and for cross-promotion opportunities.
10. Busting Myths About the [your market] Real Estate Market
The news stream is always rife with stories about how the market is red hot, cooling down, worrisome, thriving, and so on. Use your expertise to offer an insider’s take.
11. The Most Desirable [your market] Condo Buildings in [year]
Create this video specifically for prospective condo-buying clients. Include both existing buildings and new construction. If possible, shoot your own tours rather than relying on supplied images and layouts.
12. What You Need to Know About Closing Costs
Another topic for your collection of “insider info” videos. Many buyers don’t realize what they’ll be on the hook for once their offer is approved; give ‘em the scoop.
13. A Realtor’s Guide on How to Make An Offer
Talk strategy in this video. Discussion points could include: when’s the best time to make an offer; when to go lower and when to go higher than asking price; how to handle a counter offer; and what to do in a bidding war.
14. What EVERY Seller NEEDS to Do Before Listing Their House
Did the headline grab your attention? It will do the same thing on YouTube. Be an authority with this to-do list for prospective sellers.
15. How I Sold This House in 24 Hours
This video is like a case study meets testimonial. With permission from your client, delve into the strategies that helped you sell a house in the blink of an eye.
16. Why You Should Move to [your market]
Give your market some love! Include shoutouts to your favourite local businesses (cross-promotion for the win), info on schools, transit and employment, and market statistics.
17. 10 Things Realtors Don’t Want You to Know About Buying [or selling] a House
This headline has a click-baity element, but that’s okay. It’s sure to generate traffic. Share a few industry secrets without giving it all way.
18. A Realtor’s Predictions for the [your market] Real Estate Market in [year]
Another excellent video to publish at the end or beginning of the year. This kind of content can help realtors attract free press, too.
19 and 20. A Realtor’s Guide on How to Buy in a Seller’s Market, and A Realtor’s Guide on How to Sell in a Buyer’s Market
Everyone loves talking about whether it’s currently a buyer’s or seller’s market, and what the implications are. Give viewers some real talk with a video on each kind of market.
Do you have any topic ideas we haven’t included here? Share them below!
Last Updated on May 4, 2024 by myRealPage