5 Real Estate Newsletter Ideas for When You Don’t Know What to Say

5 Real Estate Newsletter Ideas for When You Don't Know What to Say

There comes a time in every real estate marketer’s life when they sit down at their desk, turn on their computer, and realize:

I’m all out of ideas.

Coming up with funny, fascinating, charming, and engaging ideas for real estate marketing content is HARD.

When that content is your newsletter, the challenge seems even bigger.

Write an ENTIRE newsletter for a whole bunch of people when I have nothing to say? I’ll skip it.

Don’t skip it! Your newsletter is an essential part of your real estate marketing plan; your subscribers are ready and waiting. A real estate newsletter keeps you top of mind, helps you engage with prospects, and drives traffic to your website.

Next time you’re about to cancel your newsletter because inspiration has run dry, consult this list of real estate newsletter content ideas.

1. The Advice Column Newsletter

Think of this newsletter as a blog post, but in newsletter form.

Instead of writing a long-form post to publish on your website, you’ll write a much shorter version that will run — in its entirety — in your newsletter. No link to “read” more on your website.

This type of newsletter content works because your readers don’t have to settle in for a long read, or travel outside of their inbox. Instead, they get a snack-sized portion of information.

So what kind of advice should you share? Anything related to house hunting, home ownership, renovating, or decorating. Here’s a handful of great approaches:

  • 5 renovations that add ZERO value to your home
  • The top kitchen trends of 2018
  • House hunting? Make sure you do this
  • 6 mistakes first-time buyers always make

2. The Listing Spotlight Newsletter

Who said a real estate newsletter needs to show off multiple listings? One notable listing is enough to build a great newsletter around.

A listing spotlight newsletter is all about the story. Think of the most fascinating element of the listing. That’s what you’ll use to write a must-click subject line and engaging intro that will have your recipients hanging onto every detail.

Do you have a listing that’s…

  • Super luxurious?
  • Home to weird or one-of-a-kind features?
  • On a killer property?
  • Historical?
  • An awesome option for a flip job?
  • Filled with the latest smart technology?


Perfect. There’s your newsletter.

Tell that home’s story, insert the strongest pictures, include some details about its features and price, and then link to the full listing on your website. Done!

3. The Behind-the-News Newsletter

There’s always a real estate market headline to discuss. New mortgage rules, the latest housing market stats, the announcement of a new development – you get the idea.

People are hungry for an insider’s perspective. And you’ve got one.

Make it work for you by creating a newsletter that features your take on the week’s most talked-about real estate story.

There are two keys to making this newsletter a successful one:

  1. Make sure you’re timely. The pace of the news cycle means that what was being talked about yesterday is forgotten about by tomorrow. When a news story starts buzzing, you need to start writing.
  2. You need to have something to say. Regurgitating the news will get you nowhere. You need to go behind the story, and offer your readers information or perspective that they can’t get anywhere else. Use your expertise!

4. The Local Newsletter


Your real estate newsletter subscriber list is likely, and for the most part, filled with people who live in your general area. That’s a good thing: when you’ve got nothing to say about your business, you can talk about the place you do business in.

Local content ideas include:

  • A roundup of your favourite restaurants in town
  • “Must-know” facts about the area
  • A guide to the area’s top neighbourhoods
  • A feature on a local business or its owner

5. The Interview Newsletter

Don’t get caught thinking that conducting interviews is intimidating, or too much work. Not true.

It can be as simple as emailing someone a short list of questions and having them send back responses. Edit the Q&As for spelling, grammar, and clarity, and boom: you’ve got an interview to share.

Interviews with interesting people make for excellent newsletter content. The subjects don’t have to be celebrities (though that would be great, too); they can be a popular interior designer, a successful house flipper, or a local landscaper with a big personality.

The key to making these interviews a must-read for your newsletter recipients is how you position them. Here are a few examples of subject lines that would get your interview newsletter opened:

  • The #1 staging tip, according to Toronto’s top designer
  • Meet the man who flipped 20 houses in 2 years
  • This landscaper says this is the key to curb appeal


What type of newsletter content performs the best for you? Share your winning strategy in the comments.




Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by myRealPage

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