Four Big Reasons Why Video Marketing is Essential for Realtors

Four Big Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Essential For Realtors

This post was updated on 09/05/2017.

Video has become a key element in many successful REALTORS®’ marketing plans.

Done well, videos can dramatically increase interest in a listing, boost a REALTOR®’s own brand presence, and improve the client experience.

Haven’t experimented with video yet? Not convinced of its merit? You’re missing out.

Here are four reasons why videos are essential to any real estate agent’s marketing efforts.

  1. They show off features that photography can’t


Make sure your videos are properly lightedPhotography is fairly static; a photo can depict one perspective of a room or feature, but it can’t move around it.

Video is much more effective at providing a dynamic understanding of a home — establishing the size of a room, zooming in on the details of impressive features, and giving a sense of flow from room to room.

The additional perspectives provided by video can help prospective buyers better visualize how the home might work for them. Videos are especially useful for homes that don’t show well in photos or for properties with limited availability for open houses and viewings.

  1. They have personality


Video gives you much more flexibility to create a tailored marketing approach.

You can play with lighting, pacing, music and even a storyline to personalize the product for the target buyer — for example: young families, well-to-do bachelors, or retirees.

For the bulk of listings, you could create a simple walk-through video set to music. But for unique or luxury listings, why not create “lifestyle” videos?

Lifestyle videos are movie-style advertisements. They use a storyline and a character as a means of taking the viewer through the home.

As outlined in a piece by the Globe and Mail, one Canadian REALTOR®’s video used the plotline of a man who left his small dog at home for a night on the town, but returned to spend the night relaxing with the pup. As the piece says, these videos “take a subtle approach to showcase the home’s best features while viewers are caught up in the story.”


  1. They get shared


Make blog posts easy to share on TwitterWhat’s easier — sending someone to an online listing where they have to click through a tiring list of thumbnails, or simply sharing a video they can watch in under two minutes for the full effect?

Videos are digestible, entertaining and highly shareable. A search for real estate tours on YouTube reveals videos with view counts well into the tens and even hundreds of thousands.  

Videos increase the number of eyeballs on your listing, potentially uncovering legions of prospective buyers who you would have otherwise missed.

  1. They make you look savvy


Investing in high-quality videos for your listings reflects very well on you, the REALTOR®. It helps build your reputation as an agent who goes the extra mile for his/her clients, and who is up-to-speed on the latest marketing trends and best practices.

Pro tip: videos aren’t just for listings. You could also produce an introductory video for your business, hosted on your website or YouTube channel. This video could help provide a sense of your personality, include testimonials from past clients, and showcase some of your more impressive sales.


Are you using video in your marketing strategy? What kind of videos are you creating? Tell us below.

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