How New Real Estate Agents Can Win Listing Presentations

How New Real Estate Agents Can Win Listing Presentations

It’s hard out there for a newbie real estate agent.

Clients value experience, competition is tough, and networking is intimidating.

All of these elements come into play during the listing presentation — a tough but crucial event for new real estate agents.

Listing presentations are the best opportunity for fresh-faced realtors with little or no experience to show off their personality, market knowledge, and confidence in being able to offer top-notch service.

So how can new agents ace a listing presentation and win a client? With these five tips below!

1. Know your strengths and unique value proposition

New realtors don’t have impressive sales numbers or glowing client testimonials to fall back on. This means that being able to clearly and confidently communicate your strengths, and what you can uniquely offer, is essential.

You need to know what makes you different from the competition.

To do this, think about your experiences, your education and your personal characteristics that can be seen as a business benefit.

Maybe you grew up in a family of realtors, and have extensive knowledge and networks. Or maybe you’re young and understand the millennial market better than anyone else out there.

Consider your skills, too. If you’re a social media maven with proven social success, that could be alluring for a young client who knows the power of social media marketing.

SSell your skillsales experience in another industry, as well as interior design skills are also bonuses.

2. Provide a comprehensive look at your services (including examples!)

Never assume that a potential client understands what you offer.

You might think that a marketing video for the MLS page or a microsite for a luxury listing is par for the course, but your clients don’t.

Tell your clients everything they’ll receive or have access to if they use your services.

And most importantly, show them examples!

Even if you’ve never had a client, it’s essential that your prospects can actually see your services and unique offerings in action.

Spend the time to create examples of things like virtual tours, social media campaigns, live video open houses and drone footage, so that you’ve actually got something you can put in front of potential clients.

Remember: seeing is believing.

3. Do up-to-the-minute research

Any good realtor knows that thorough research is required for listing presentations.

Being able to present neighbourhood facts, past sale prices, demographics, comparative market analysis, and market trends shows that you know your stuff. It also reflects that your work for your client will be backed up by reliable data.

do your researchWhere many realtors get tripped up is in the timeliness of their research.

Things can change quickly in the world of real estate, so don’t get caught presenting outdated information.

For example, your client might know that two homes in their neighbourhood sold last week for over $1 million, but you refer to sales from two months ago. If this happens, your likelihood of winning the listing drops dramatically.

Clients need to believe that you know more (much more) than they do.

After all, Why else would they hire you?

4. Present a plan

Nothing inspires confidence more than a well-thought-out plan.

Don’t be afraid to go the extra mile! Examples of how you can do this include:

  • Assembling a customized workback schedule and marketing plan for each unique prospective client.
  • Plotting dates for listing photography, listing publishing, open houses, and a target “sold-by” date.
  • Presenting ideas for marketing via social media campaigns, dedicated blog posts, and newsletter content.

If the difference between you and the other guy is that you’ve already thought about how you’d tackle the client’s unique situation, you’re winning.

5. Have an answered prepared for the most commonly asked question

“Why should we hire you?” is the question most often asked by potential clients.

answer frequently asked questionsThey could choose any one of the dozens or hundreds of agents available in their area, so they want to know why you should be their first choice.

Impress your clients with an eloquent, considerate answer that’s tailored to their unique needs.

Here’s how to prepare:

  • Match your client’s needs to your experiences, skills and knowledge. Think of your client’s home or home search as if it were a job description. This should help you establish your qualifications for the job.
  • Come back to your unique value proposition. When a prospective client asks why they should pick you over somebody else, they’re essentially asking what makes you different.
  • Keep it short and sweet. No longer than a minute or two.


What was your best-ever listing presentation like? What strategies helped you #win?




Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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