3 Open House Follow-Up Email Scripts That Every Agent Needs

3 Open House Follow-Up Email Scripts That Every Agent Needs

Open houses are hot spots for leads.

Where else can you get a steady stream of ready-to-buy house-hunters without a ton of prospecting, warming up and nudging along?

That being said, open houses don’t create insta-clients. For that, you gotta do a little work.

Turning an open house attendee into your next strong lead is all about the follow-through.

And by the follow-through, we mean the follow-up.

But many agents just rely on their same old email script. Or send a basic thank-you, one without a call-to-action. Some don’t follow up at all. Sound familiar?

This post will help you break out of a rut and boost the effectiveness of your open house follow-up emails.

Keep reading for three open house follow-up email scripts that every agent needs.

Looking for more real estate email templates? Click here. Check out these guaranteed real estate email subject lines, too.


First, Some Basic Tips for Success

  • Take notes at the open house. Things may get hectic and busy during an open house, but if you can discreetly jot down notes about attendees, you’re setting yourself up for better follow-up emails.  Take note of conversations you had, who seemed like they’re house-hunting versus casually browsing, and personal details about attendees that give clues to their needs, wants and where they are in the house-hunting journey.
  • Don’t wait too long. The open house should still be fresh in their minds. If you wait a week or longer, the moment has passed.
  • …But don’t rush it, either. A follow-up email sent too soon — the day of or day after — may feel a little desperate. Two to three days after the open house is a good rule of thumb.
  • Keep it casual. A surefire way for your follow-up email to fail is if you come off too much like a salesperson. Be friendly, personable, and laidback. Avoid “sales speak”, pressure, and insincere language.
  • Keep it short. And use short paragraphs to encourage readability. No one wants to read a long email from a real estate agent.
  • Include a call-to-action. In order for a follow-up email to be truly successful, you need to give your recipient an action to complete. This is what turns them into a lead.


The Invitation to Connect Email

The gist: This simple script is all about a light, casual touch to help gently encourage open house attendees along in the sales journey. It’s great for attendees you may not have had a chance to connect with at the open house.

The goal: To get them into your funnel — whether that be signing up for your newsletter, following you on Instagram, or browsing your site. Give them no-pressure options that suit their preferences.

The script:

Hi [attendee’s first name],

Thanks for coming by the open house at [property address] on Saturday. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to chat. Things got a little busy! I hope you enjoyed exploring the home.

Is that a neighbourhood you’re interested in? If so, I’ve got a pretty comprehensive buying guide for the neighbourhood on my site. It includes demographics, home values, buying tips, and a close look at neighbourhood features, like schools, parks, restaurants and shopping. 

You can check it (or my other neighbourhood guides) out here [hyperlink].

If you’re just looking casually, feel free to follow me on Instagram: [username; hyperlinked]. I do weekly roundups of the best local listings, and publish video walk-throughs (for anyone who can’t make an open house).

If you see a listing you’re curious about, send me a note or, if you’d like, book a quick call using this link [hyperlink to call-booking tool].

Anyways! Just wanted to say hi and connect. I’d love to hear from you.

Have a great day.

[your name]

The Similar Listings Email

The gist: If they liked the open house property, then maybe they’ll like one of your other listings. This email is about hooking them with other properties that may meet their needs.

The goal: To turn them into a buyer for one of your listings.

The script:

Hi [attendee’s first name],

Thanks for coming by the open house at [property address] on Saturday. It was great to meet you and your husband. Hope you didn’t get caught in the storm after! 

[property address] sold yesterday, but I wanted to send some similar listings your way. I’ve got a few really stunning [number]-bedroom homes in the area that might fit the bill.

Click here [hyperlink] to check them out.

Take a look, and let me know what you think. If any are speaking to you, I’d be happy to walk you through them sometime this week.

I always post listings of the week and share tours on my Instagram, too, so feel free to follow me there [hyperlink].

Anyways! I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you’re having a great week. 

[your name]


The Next Open House Email

The gist: Talking to a potential lead in person is the best chance you have to work your magic, make a great impression, and turn them into a client. This email can help you get there.

The goal: To secure another in-person meeting — and turn them into a buyer, or a client.

The script:

Hi [attendee’s first name],

Thanks for coming by the open house at [property address] on Saturday. It was great chatting with you and your wife, and hearing about your home search. 

I wanted to reach out with an invitation to an open house coming up this weekend. It’s for a [number]-bedroom home in the [neighbourhood] area. It’s stunning — modern, open, clean, well-maintained, and has a really great backyard. Here’s a link [hyperlink] to the listing.

Based on our conversation over the weekend, I think you might like it.

Think you can make it? Let me know. You can also click here [hyperlink] to sign up.

If you’re busy, no worries — I can walk you through it at a time that works better for you.

I look forward to hearing from you!

[your name]

PS: I do have some other listings that might fit the bill, too. Check them out here [hyperlink], and let me know if you’d like to see any in person.


Do you follow up with all open house attendees? Why or why not?



Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by myRealPage

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