5 Powerful Morning Routine Tips for REALTORS® to Increase Productivity and Sales

How you spend the first few hours after waking up can really set the tone for the rest of the day.
Oversleep and walk in late to a meeting? You’ll likely feel frazzled until dinner time.
Make time to exercise, drink a smoothie and play with your kids before checking emails? You’ll likely have energy and a feel-good attitude all morning and afternoon.
Creating a successful morning routine does more than just affect your mood; it also sets you up for heightened productivity and improved results. For REALTORS®, the right routine can help you achieve more leads and more sales.
In this post, we’re laying out the elements of a tried-and-true successful morning routine for real estate agents.
1. Sleep and Wake at YOUR Optimal Time
Everyone’s different. Your partner might need eight hours of sleep to feel well-rested; maybe you do best on seven.
If you don’t already have a sense of your body’s natural rhythms, start paying attention. Over a period of two weeks or so, record your hours of sleep, bedtimes and waking times, and make notes about when you feel rested versus too tired.
Based on your observations, figure out:
- How many hours of sleep you need to feel rested
- The earliest time you can rise at without feeling like you need a hundred cups of coffee
Knowing what works best for you helps you tap into your optimal periods of productivity. If you typically have a period of focused energy late at night but can’t get up at 5:30, no matter how many hours of sleep you’ve had, then schedule your bedtime and wake-up time accordingly.
The other important thing to remember: be consistent. Waking up at the same time every day is essential to a morning routine that works.
2. Drink Water
If you’re a coffee drinker, then you know how real the temptation is to pour yourself a big mug as soon as you exit the bedroom.
For a better morning, hold off on the coffee and start your day with water instead.
Hydration is key to brain function, and lethargy can be a sign that you’re dehydrated. After six to eight hours of no water consumption, everyone is at least a bit dehydrated when they get up in the morning.
When you wake up, drink one or two glasses of water almost immediately. If you can’t get it down, try hot water with lemon. Once you’ve had at least two glasses, then move onto coffee.
3. Start the Night Before
Instead of creating a to-do list over your morning coffee (or water!), write it out the night before.
You already know what needs to get done the following day. Plotting it out the night before means that you wake up with a plan of action and clear sense of the day.
On your to-do list, star the non work-related items you can complete during your morning routine — simple things like filling out your kid’s field trip permission form or replying to an old friend’s email. Once you’re ready to flow into your workday, your personal tasks won’t be there to distract you.
4. Move a Bit — Or a Lot
It’s hard. Sometimes, it’s the last thing you’ll feel like doing. But exercising in the a.m. is a morning routine game-changer. Here’s why.
- It’s a brain boost. Research has shown that exercise releases brain chemicals that aid mental sharpness.
- You’ll feel happier. That blissed out feeling we often get after a good workout comes courtesy of an endorphin rush. A good mood = a good day.
- It gets done. If you put off your workout, you’re less likely to make time to do it later in the day.
5. Be Selective About What Tasks You Do First
Each to-do list has small tasks (replying to and sorting emails, booking a meeting) and big tasks (writing a new real estate blog post, putting together a new real estate postcard campaign).
Starting with the small tasks is an easy way to feel some sense of accomplishment, but it’s actually dragging down your productivity.
A bunch of small tasks adds up, eating into your day and keeping you from tackling the bigger, more difficult tasks — the ones that hang over your head when you don’t get them done.
Start your day by crossing off the hardest item on your to-do list. You’ll have the mental energy and willpower to get it done, and you’ll feel lighter and more confident once you’ve finished it.
What’s the best part of your morning routine? How does it boost your productivity?
Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by myRealPage