These Customizable Website Forms Are Perfect For Real Estate Agent Websites

They’re not the most exciting part of a real estate agent website, but forms — contact forms, inquiry forms, sign-up forms — are definitely essential.

Website forms make it easy for you to collect information from leads by making it easy for your leads to provide information

They’re a pretty big deal.

But for forms to be effective, they need to be customizable. The fields, the text, the look and feel — they need to be tweaked according to your needs, wants and goals. 

This is especially key for real estate agents, whose forms need to change based on whether they’re targeting sellers, buyers, investors, or the real estate curious.

So why are so many website forms so standardized, without options for personalization?

We don’t know, but we do have an answer: 

myRealPage website forms for real estate agents.

What are myRealPage website forms?

Our website forms are designed specifically for a real estate agent’s needs.

Like regular forms, they’re made to capture information from website visitors. But unlike other forms, myRealPage website forms were created with an agent’s various needs in mind — to capture valuable information from buyers, sellers, investors, niche audiences and everyone in between. 

How do myRealPage website forms work?

Unlike standard website forms you’ll find for other website builders and templates, myRealPage website forms are:

  1. Made specifically for real estate agents, and
  2. Completely customizable.

Want to use the colours of your real estate brand in your form? Go for it. 

Want to change up the layout? No problem. 

Need to customize the font, fields and overall look and feel? You got it.

Oh, and no coding or design skills are necessary: tweaking our forms only requires pointing and clicking. Want to take a peek at how they loo? Check out this example page.

How do myRealPage website forms help real estate agents?

Here are just a handful of ways you can use myRealPage website forms:

  • To collect information from prospective buyers about their house hunt
  • To register attendees for an open house
  • To capture property details from potential sellers
  • To obtain entries for a contest
  • To record contact information from visitors interested in one of your listings
  • To offer eBooks / Whitepapers in exchange for their contact info
  • To get home evaluation requests
  • To get enrolled in VIP lists for Pre-Constructions


These are just a few ideas, but the list is long and all you need is set the goal and add the form to your desired page. Real estate agents no longer have to resign themselves to using a standard website form that doesn’t quite meet their needs. 

myRealPage website forms offer flexibility that make it possible to quickly and simply create the exact forms you need for your real estate website.

What if I’m not signed up with myRealPage?

In order to take advantage of website forms designed specifically for real estate agents, you need a real estate website built with myRealPage

But don’t stress! We’ll make it easy for you. To help you take advantage of myRealPage website forms, we’re offering 50% off a myRealPage website for six months, plus we’re waiving the set-up fee

Oh, and we’ll help you transfer your website content over from another website provider so you can get started faster. 

Ready to start implementing real estate website forms that WORK? Click here to get started.

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by myRealPage

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