How REALTORS® Can Provide Exceptional Digital Service to Clients

Customer service? There’s an app for that.
Actually, there are about five dozen apps for that. Maybe more.
And if there’s not an app for it, there’s a website. A platform. Some kind of digital service.
There’s not much that hasn’t been revolutionized, streamlined and improved in the digital age. Not even the old-as-time practice of customer service.
No need for nostalgia; unlike handwritten love letters, customer service hasn’t been cheapened or become insincere as it’s been digitized.
Digital capability has actually broadened the way good customer service can be delivered, increasing the number and kind of ways you can assist, respect and thank your clients.
The modern REALTOR® should be serving up top-notch customer service both offline and online.
Here’s how real estate agents can offer incredible digital customer service.
1. Stay in Touch
Communication is key. Make it easy for your current and prospective clients to get in touch, using whichever method best suits them.
In addition to the standard email, phone and text message, offer a few other ways for your audience to contact you, such as:
Skype is available on every device (mobile and desktop), and offers options for online calls, messaging, video chats and phone calls to mobile numbers and landlines. Translation: with a device and the Internet, anyone can use Skype to contact you.
Like Skype, WhatsApp is a pretty democratic communication tool. As long as your clients have the app, WhatsApp users can call, instant message and video chat from anywhere in the world, from any device. Great for your clients who want to check in during their tropical vacation.
Voxer is a self-described walkie-talkie tool. Its free app combines text, live voice, video and photo into a messaging tool that transforms your phone into a “push-to-talk” two-way radio system. Voxer messages are sent live as they’re being recorded and then also delivered as a voice message that can be saved.
Facebook Messenger.
The social media platform’s messaging tool offers pretty impressive capability. You can text, make voice and video calls, and record and send voice and video messages. If you’re using Facebook for your real estate business, let your audience know they can reach you via FB Messenger!
2. Answer Their Questions
If you use any of the digital communication tools mentioned above, in addition to plain old email and phone calls, you’re increasing the likelihood that you’ll be able to answer your clients’ requests when they reach out.
But what about when you’re not available? When you’re in a meeting, sleeping, on vacation or simply not on the clock?
This is where chatbots come in handy. While you’re away, chatbots pick up the communication slack, offering a seamless experience to your audience.
Not only do these artificial intelligence tools help you deliver excellent digital customer service, they also make sure you’re not missing out on any leads while you’re catching ZZZs or drinking piña coladas by the ocean.
So how do chatbots work? Like an instant messaging service.
Once a visitor starts typing their question or comment — on your website, through Facebook Messenger or via SMS, depending on where you choose to use a chatbot — the chatbot will respond accordingly.
Click here to read our guide to chatbots for real estate agents (which includes info on myRealPage’s own chatbot tool for REALTORS®).
3. Send Gifts
Dropping goodies off at your client’s house will always be a well-received gesture, but digital gift-giving options have become an attractive alternative.
is an excellent option. The iPhone and Android app is a curated gift marketplace that lets users browse, choose, buy and send a gift to their recipient from their phone. Giftagram then connects with the recipient, making sure the gift is delivered to their preferred address.
Besides making the process easy, Giftagram can really help you step up your gift-giving game with its amazing selection. There are local goods, handmade wares, super unique finds and a wide price range.
Heard of Zapier? It’s a task automation company that lets users connect a variety of their apps so info can be shared between them and processes can be automated, thereby saving time. Gift giving can be one of those processes.
For example, a Zapier-using real estate agent could connect a tool like Printfection (a swag company). If that same agent uses Eventbrite for organizing events, they could automatically send a Printfection gift to anyone who showed up.
4. Show Social Media Love
Who doesn’t love receiving a shoutout on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter?
Include social media mentions in your digital customer service toolbelt. Here’s what it can look like:
Congratulatory posts.
When you help a client buy or sell a home, snap a picture of them next to the Sold sign and post it to Instagram (with their permission), tagging and congratulating them. It’s good for PR for you and with a heartfelt caption, it will make your client feel like more than just a payout for you.
Property promotion.
Selling someone’s house? Give their home love on social media. Show it off (and rave about it!) in YouTube videos, Instagram and Facebook live videos, and on IGTV.
Just ‘cause.
Does your client own a local business? Swing by and document your visit on Instagram Stories. Grabbing lunch with your client between showings? Take and post a selfie. Again, make your client feel like they mean more to you than just a paycheque.
How are YOU using digital tools, apps and services to offer awesome customer service?
Last Updated on November 7, 2024 by myRealPage