10 Real Estate Subject Lines Guaranteed to Get Your Email Opened

There’s no magic trick for getting your emails opened.
Sorry. We wish there was, too.
It all feels like a big game of chance, doesn’t it? You put the finishing touches on a slick newsletter, type in a real estate subject line that sounds interesting and most definitely open-worthy, and hit send on that baby.
When only a meager number of people actually open and read it, you’re left wondering “Where did I go wrong?”
To help you avoid those situations as much as possible, we’ve put together a list of tried-and-true, highly successful real estate subject lines that are pretty much guaranteed to get your email opened.
These subject lines can be used for newsletters, to share blog posts, or to encourage recipients to take an action, like booking a call or attending an open house.
Read on!
These are the hottest [colours/trends/] of [year]
Email content: a guide to current or upcoming trends related to real estate, such as paint colours and decorating trends.
Why it works: a superlative like “the hottest” triggers a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) — recipients want to make sure they’re in the loop.
Don’t make these real estate mistakes
Email content: a list of the most common mistakes made by buyers and/or sellers, and why and how these mistakes should and can be avoided.
Why it works: human nature — recipients want to make sure they’re not the mistake-makers you’re talking about.
Is this YOUR home?
Email content: a showcase of an amazing new listing; great for particularly amazing or unique homes and luxury properties.
Why it works: the question inspires a bit of confusion that recipients want to clear up by opening the email.
This is how the [city name] market is *actually* performing
Email content: your breakdown and easy-to-understand explanation of the latest statistics from your real estate market.
Why it works: using a word like ‘actually’ and drawing attention to it with asterisks implies that your email is offering insider, must-know information that recipients won’t find elsewhere.
What can you afford?
Email content: a roundup of your current listings by price range, or a practical guide for buyers on how to establish their budget in today’s market (along with a look at listings by price range).
Why it works: it immediately creates a sense of curiosity, thanks to the connection to personal finance.
What real estate agents don’t want you to know
Email content: a guide to an aspect of the real estate industry where you can share some useful insider info and expertise, such as how negotiations work.
Why it works: FOMO strikes again here, making recipients feel like they need to check out the email or else miss out on an inside scoop.
Don’t sell before you do this
Email content: the most important thing for sellers to do before listing their home, or a checklist of the five to 10 most important things.
Why it works: any recipient who’s even briefly considering selling their home will be immediately intrigued.
Everything you’re too afraid to ask your real estate agent
Email content: an FAQ-style list of the questions that almost every buyer and seller has, but may be too embarrassed to ask their agent, along with your answers.
Why it works: everyone has questions about the real estate industry that they feel stupid for not knowing the answers to; this subject line appeals to that universal feeling.
You should probably move in [year]
Email content: your expert reasons on why it’s a good time for homeowners in your market to consider selling.
Why it works: this subject line immediately pulls in recipients who are already planning on selling (they want affirmation of their decision) and those who haven’t even thought about it (now they’re wondering if they should be).
Your home’s value is [increasing/decreasing]
Email content: your explanation on what recent local market statistics mean for home values, and how homeowners should be responding.
Why it works: depending on whether values are increasing or decreasing, recipients will immediately be excited or alarmed enough to open your email immediately.
Want more sure-to-succeed real estate subject lines? Check out our previous guide (plus tips on beating spam filters) — 10 Effective Email Subject Lines For Real Estate Agents.
Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by myRealPage