The Ultimate Post-Closing Checklist for Real Estate Agents

Congratulations! After much staging, showing and negotiating, you closed the deal.

A closing date has been agreed on. The papers have been inked. The sign has come down.

Now what?

Real estate agents might think their work is done. But post-closing is the best time to cement your reputation as a top agent and ensure your clients will be referring you for months — and years — to come.

That’s why agents need a post-closing checklist: a set of activities to complete every time they successfully sell a home.

Keep reading for the ultimate post-closing checklist for real estate agents.

Send a Thank-You Gift

giftFirst and foremost: buy a thank-you gift.

A thank-you gift is the best way to show gratitude for your client’s business and create yet another good impression.

There are three strategies for giving great real estate gifts:

  • Be thoughtful. Don’t rush to swipe your credit card for the sake of crossing this item off your list. Take your time to decide on the right gift.
  • Be personal. Many agents buy closing gifts in bulk. We get it. It saves time and sometimes money, too. But it’s impersonal. To really get your client’s attention, you should make an effort to think of a gift idea that best suits them.
  • Be unique. Is there a concert or other event they might love? What about a piece of home decor or a gadget that completely suits their tastes and interests? Push yourself to go beyond champagne and a couple of flutes. 

Here are some real estate client gift ideas to get your creativity flowing:

Ask Them for a Testimonial

typingDon’t leave a good review to chance. 

While your great service and memorable thank-you gift are still fresh in your client’s mind, it’s a great idea to reach out and ask them if they’d mind writing you a testimonial.

You might feel uncomfortable if you’re not used to asking but if you have a solid, friendly relationship with your client, they won’t mind.

This guide on how to ask for a real estate testimonial will get you started.

Once you’ve received a testimonial, you need to put it to good use. Here’s how real estate agents can use testimonials to get more real estate leadsPsst: it’s always good to know how to handle a negative real estate review. Just in case.

Help Them Prepare For Their New Home

You can still be helpful after you’ve closed the deal. 

One great way to do that: create a list of referrals for any home services they may require at their new home.

Think plumbers, painters, flooring experts, electricians, cleaning services, roofing and landscaping. 

Only include service providers you can personally vouch for. Bonus points for including a few details about why you recommend them (and maybe even a discount if they’re a part of your real estate referral network).

Drop Postcards Off in Your Client’s Neighbourhood

postcardsYour clients’ neighbours will have seen your for-sale and just-sold sign on your clients’ property. They’re probably curious about what the house sold for

Scratch that itch — and turn them into leads — by creating marketing material based on the sale of your client’s home.

A real estate marketing postcard is a great idea. On one side, feature a photo of your client’s home (make sure to get permission) with copy that includes:

  • The address
  • “Just Sold!” (you can include “over asking” if applicable)
  • A thought-provoking question, such as “Curious what your home would sell for?”
  • Your name and logo 


On the back, including your usual marketing copy, contact info and a call-to-action to get in touch.

Did you know that you can create professional looking postcards using brandApp? Our social media and print graphic tool with more than 100+ designs made specifically for real estate agents.

Reach Out on Moving Day

movingIn your post-close conversations with your client, make sure to ask about their moving day and jot it down on your calendar.

One way to help would be to put together a moving kit and deliver it to the client after the inspection. Include anything you think would be helpful – Sharpies, a tape gun, new boxes, lightly used boxes, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, newspapers, plastic bags (great for holding small items like batteries or toiletries), garbage bags, measuring tape, beer boxes (perfect because the handles are built-in) and old towels and rags (cheaper than bubble wrap).

Then, on the day of, send them a text message or email to wish them all the best for a smooth move.

It’s a simple gesture but it’s truly the thought that counts; they’ll be touched that you remembered. With these tips, you are sure to make your clients’ moving day easier and forge a life-long relationship with your clients, not to mention probably pick up a few referrals.

Stay in Touch

callingThe last item on your post-closing checklist is ongoing: stay in touch with your client. 

You want to keep yourself on your client’s radar — not so much so that you’ll annoy them, but just enough that your name will be top of mind when they have a friend or family member looking to sell or buy.

Here are a few different ways to do it:

  • A few months after their move date, send them an email to ask them how they’ve settled in
  • Follow them on social media and engage with their posts
  • Include them on your email marketing list when you send your quarterly market reports
  • Send a holiday card
  • Invite them to your local events 

What’s the number one thing you do after every closing?

Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by myRealPage

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