3 Easy Ways to Get Social Proof from Clients… to Get Even MORE Clients

Hands up if you’ve ever…
- Sent a picture from the dressing room to a friend or partner, asking for their opinion before you buy a shirt
- Researched and bought a product because you saw lots of people recommending it on social media
- Clicked on an eCommerce link that offered to show you what “people like you” also looked at
- Donated to a cause because it seemed like everyone you know or follow online was doing it
This is called social proof.
Social proof pushes us to make certain decisions. We humans feel better about our choices when those choices have been externally validated, either by a person we trust or a large group of people (power in numbers).
In real estate, social proof can take the form of client reviews, media attention, social media mentions and so on. And it can be hugely valuable in helping you land more clients.
In this blog post, we’re diving into the first kind of real estate social proof — the kind you get from clients. Keep reading to discover easy ways real estate agents can get social proof from clients, to help get even more clients.
1. Don’t Wait Until After The House Has Been Bought or Sold
Getting social proof of your services from your clients shouldn’t be something you work on after you’ve helped them buy or sell a house. Make it a part of your working relationship from day one.
Here’s what that can look like.
Taking pictures of your clients during each exciting phase of their buying or selling process serves as excellent social proof content for your social media accounts. If they give you permission to, snap pics of your clients looking excited as the “For Sale” sign goes up on their front lawn, or as they’re falling in love with a house you’re taking them through, or as they happily sign the paperwork on their new home purchase.
Social media engagement.
Follow your clients on social media and engage with the content they post. They’ll likely reply to your comments and reciprocate with engagement on your social media content, revealing a happy, communicative relationship for the social media universe to see.
Ask for some love.
If working together is going well, don’t be afraid to ask your client whether they’d be willing to throw you a bone. For example, if you’ve planned an open house for their home, ask them to share a link to the open house details on their social media, tagging you in the process.
2. Ask for the Right Kind of Testimonial
Assuming all went well, a client will rarely refuse to write you a positive testimonial.
But not all testimonials are created equally.
“Bob was great to work with” isn’t as powerful as “Wow. The idea of buying a home in a new city overwhelmed me, but Bob, with his relaxed attitude, support and humour, made it fun.”
Before you ask for a testimonial, decide:
- Where you want the testimonial to live. Are you trying to grow your Facebook page? Do you need more reviews on Yelp? Do you have a testimonial page on your website that you’d like to add to?
- What unique details your client can offer. Every client-agent relationship is different. Think of what specific anecdote your client might have to offer. For instance, perhaps you took your client to see six different houses on the hottest day of the year and, when the tours were done, you bought everyone an ice cream cone. These small, unique details add colour and personality.
- What you want included. Did social media marketing play a big part in getting your client’s home sold quickly? Did you produce an awesome drone video to add to a listing? Mentioning specific services you offered shows your unique value.
With this brainstorming in hand, you’re prepared to ask for a strategic testimonial that offers the most possible value. Here’s what that can look like:
“Hi Amy,
I hope the packing is coming along well!
When you have a moment, I was hoping you might be willing to write a testimonial for me on Yelp. I really enjoyed working with you, and it would mean a lot to have your endorsement. If you don’t mind, something that includes a personal detail, such as how we used Instagram and Facebook to help market your home or that awesome mini-makeover we gave your kitchen, would be helpful.
Here’s the link: __[Insert Link to Your Yelp Page Here]__
Let me know what you think.
Thanks for your support!
3. Interview Your Client
Have you ever left a job where you had an “exit interview” before your last day? Those interviews help an employer gauge the quality of your experience and learn where they can improve or continue to excel.
Adopt a similar practice with your “exiting” clients. Ahead of your last meeting, ask if they’d be willing to chat for 15 minutes about the experience of working together. If they’re willing to be filmed during the chat, even better.
During your interview, ask your clients questions like:
- What was the hardest part of this experience? What was the best part?
- What did you like most about working together?
- Take me through how I was able to help you during this process
- How did you feel when your house sold?
- Tell me what you love about your new home
- What was the most valuable part of working with a real estate agent?
You can use the completed interview in several different ways:
- Turn an edited version of the video into a testimonial video for your website and YouTube channel
- Pull out some of your client’s best quotes and highlight them on your website, in blog posts, on content for your social media accounts and/or in postcard campaigns
- Once you’ve conducted dozens of these interviews, use the results to create statistics for yourself, such as: “95% of clients said Bob’s effective use of social media marketing was a game-changer”
Just remember to ask your client’s permission if you plan on using their name and picture.
What are YOUR tips for getting testimonials from your clients?
Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by myRealPage