Top 5 Tech Tools for Real Estate Agents in 2020

Top 5 Tech Tools for Real Estate Agents in 2020

There are so many apps and tools out there to help you with literally everything. Sometimes getting to know yet another tool can feel daunting.

But what if you knew exactly which tools were worth the time investment?

We’ve got you covered.

Here are the top five tech tools and apps that you need to use in 2020 to supercharge your real estate business.


#1. Capture Leads Effectively at Your Open Houses

Gone are the days of the pen and paper to collect phone numbers and emails of open house attendees.

Now, you can use apps on a tablet to collect your attendees’ information.

Not only is this more professional in appearance for people looking to work with you, but it also takes the guesswork out of deciphering people’s writing.

Check out the app OpenHomePro on Apple and Google devices to start using this technology at your next open house event.

Here’s how this app saves you time as a real estate agent:

  • It follows up for you after the open house
  • It provides a list of the hottest leads so you know where to focus your efforts
  • It has one-touch email and social sharing ability


#2. Use an Electronic Document Signing Service

How much time do you spend printing out documents from email to sign, edit and rescan them back in?

Or maybe you’re even faxing documents back and forth with your clients when negotiating an offer?

Save yourself the headache and a boatload of time by using an electronic document signing service or app. There are a couple of options for you:

  • Dotloop is an e-signing tool for real estate agents specifically
  • DocuSign is used by many different businesses for e-signing to save time, money and trees


Not only is this a time-saver for you, but it’ll also be a huge efficiency gain for your clients. They’ll be sure to tell their friends how “with-the-times” you are as a REALTOR®.


#3. Get an App to Schedule Posts for your Real Estate Social Media

While this might seem like a no-brainer, there are many professionals who haven’t yet invested in an app or service to get their social media scheduled for the week.

You can use apps like Buffer, Later or you can even schedule posts natively inside Facebook.

Scheduling your posts for the week saves you tons of time because you can “batch create” your content all at once, meaning you eliminate the task-switching energy drain.

Then, during your busy workweek, you can just focus on your clients, gaining new business and closing deals. Your promotion on social media is all taken care of.


#4. Use Tech to Track Your Real Estate Business Expenses

It’s that wonderful time of year, friends. Tax time!

Let’s be real. No one enjoys sitting down to mounds of paperwork and trying to remember what expenses they had a year ago in their real estate business.

Put tech to task here. You can use apps specifically designed to capture your business expenses, including your mileage. Taxbot is one such service.

But if you’re already using QuickBooks in your business, you can use their app’s built-in mileage tracker.

No more remembering to get receipts or to write down trip mileage. Let the tech take over that job for you as well.


#5. Up Your Real Estate Listing’s Photography Game

Even if you’re a fabulous photographer or you outsource to one, sometimes the messy contents inside the house or the lighting during the photoshoot are less than ideal.

You need to get experts to spruce up your photos to show the listing in the best light possible.

Graphic designers and even online services like BoxBrownie can zhuzh up your photos to show the potential of the home by:

  • Furnishing empty rooms
  • Removing clutter
  • Brightening the sky behind the house


Use technology to virtually clean up your photos for the listing. It might seem like a larger upfront cost, but if it results in more bookings and offers, then it’s money well spent.

Plus, you can’t control the weather or if your clients have a messy home. So don’t stress. Just get a professional to tidy the photos for you.


Have you used any of these apps or technologies in your business yet?




Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by myRealPage

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