How to Choose the Best Social Media Platform for Your Real Estate Business

How to Choose the Best Social Media Platform for Your Real Estate Business

When it comes to using social media to market their biz, realtors and other entrepreneurs often suffer from platform FOMO, which stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” In other words, there’s a fear-driven belief that they need to be active on every. Single. Social media platform in order to be relevant and successful.

FOMO isn’t always unfounded, but we’re happy to say that in this case, it is.

It’s much better to have a strong presence on the social media platforms that are the best fit for your marketing strategy and style, rather than a half-hearted showing on every site and app.

By putting out your content on just two or three social media channels, you’ll be able to better manage your time, keep the quality of your content high, and see the results you want.

There isn’t a one-social-platform-fits-all answer for realtors. Where you decide to concentrate your efforts depends on your unique marketing strategy, and what kind of content you produce the best of.

To show you what we mean, we’ve played social media marketing matchmaker.

Here’s a sampling of made-in-heaven matches between social media platforms and realtor marketing strategies.

If your online marketing strategy is all about blog posts, focus on: Pinterest

Pinterest offers more permanence than Twitter and Facebook, where a post quickly gets buried by newer content, and then forgotten about completely.

On Pinterest, a good pin is the traffic referral gift that keeps on giving.

Which social media platform is best for you?Learn to create well-designed and strategically-written pins for sharing your blog posts, and they’ll be discovered in search results and pinned and repinned, driving website traffic well after the original pin date.

For our best tips on Pinterest marketing, click here. And don’t forget, since Pinterest itself is an image-driven platform, using great images is of course pretty important.

If you want to kill it with ad campaigns, focus on: Facebook

Facebook has made it pretty easy, relatively speaking, to create, run and analyze customized ad campaigns.

With a little guidance (in the form of our guide to advanced strategies for Facebook ads), you can effectively target the audience that you’re after with ads that drive website traffic, boost newsletter sign-ups, generate event RSVPs, or direct viewers to a new post on your Facebook page. Most professional real estate photo editing services will have their own website so you can view their portfolio and decide which service will be best for you.

If your online brand is all about great visuals, focus on: Instagram

Instagram reportedly boasts 400 million daily active users. Four. Hundred. Million.

If you’ve already been creating and sharing high-quality photo and video content to your real estate-focused Instagram page, why not make it the focus of your social media marketing efforts?

With Instagram’s rise to popularity, visual storytelling has become a cornerstone of marketing efforts. Businesses of all types are taking advantage, using beautiful, inspiring, funny and curious images and video clips to drive traffic to their websites, sell products, and build audiences.

A well-curated feed and knowing how to work with Instagram’s algorithm are your keys to owning the platform.  

If your goal is to create conversation, focus on: Twitter and Facebook

Various social media platforms for various strategiesInstagram and Pinterest are great for sharing content, but not so great for discussing it.

Facebook and Twitter are much better suited to a marketing strategy that prioritizes engagement, since users on both platforms are there to interact – by commenting, retweeting and tagging.

The key to harnessing the potential for engagement on both platforms is to be consistent and to be active.

On Facebook, host your own group with a targeted focus.

Interact with content from other users.

Post regularly, and post good content with great images and catchy text.

Ask questions. Answer questions. Retweet, share and like. Respond to every comment that you receive. And, of course, use hashtags on Twitter strategically.

If you want to target millennial first-time buyers, focus on: Snapchat

Facebook and Pinterest are a little passé for the younger subset of millennials. They’re hanging out on Snapchat instead, taking selfies with flower crown filters and perusing content from the brands and businesses who’ve got the whole “Snapchat marketing” thing figured out.

If helping first-time buyers find their home is your particular niche, then you need to be marketing accordingly.

Go where they are — go on Snapchat. Create custom geofilters, snap your latest listing, show off your favourite spots in a particular neighbourhood, and let your behind-the-scenes personality shine.



Last Updated on August 12, 2022 by myRealPage

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